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Calliope has a new obsession—Arthur Pendragon's body, and the things he does to her with it

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Calliope has a new obsession—Arthur Pendragon's body, and the things he does to her with it.

His fingers and tongue exploring her skin until she feels dizzy in the head; him kissing her every scar with such gentleness, his lips ghosting down the tattoo on her back. Tangling between the silky sheets with him, and the sound of her name on his lips as she moves her hips on top of him. It's all one heated frenzy that overtakes her senses in waves of pleasure. Once they had finally fallen asleep, limbs tangled together, the red quilt was on the floor, and most of the pillows were thrown across the room. The bowl of fruit usually sitting on his table has been knocked over, grapes scattered about. They had gotten up to eat something, but one look at Arthur leaning back in the chair, shirtless and popping grapes into his mouth, had her practically pouncing on him...and he had swiped everything off the table to lay her onto it.

Calliope grins to herself as sunlight trickles into the disheveled space. She feels as if her bones are made of liquid honey, every muscle is completely relaxed as her head lays against Arthur's bare chest which rises and falls slowly. There are a few dark love marks on her chest, but the Prince has one of his own right underneath his collarbone. Hopefully, he has a shirt that can cover it up. Although, Uther is too enchanted by a troll to notice anything else at the moment.

He sleeps soundly, but his lips twitch as Calliope begins pressing light kisses against his throat, her hand caressing his side.

"If you keep doing that," Arthur says, his eyes still closed. "we'll never leave this room."

She leans up to take his earlobe between her teeth, replying in a quiet, sultry tone, "Maybe that's exactly what I want."

Calliope giggles—she actually giggles, as Arthur flips their position, peppering her face and neck with quick kisses. She puts her hands on his cheeks, bringing his head back up so she can look into his electric blue gaze.

The Prince rests an elbow by her head, his fingers brushing soft hair away from her face, "Good morning."

"Good morning," the assassin says with a wide smile. The necklace he always wears dangles near her face, and she reaches up to take the ruby red gem between her fingers, "Who gave this to you?"

"The gem is from a necklace my mother used to wear every day," Arthur answers. "My father had it made for me, as something to always remember her by." Calliope examines the gem for a few more moments before she releases it, her eyes wandering back to his. "You know, we actually do have to get out of bed eventually." Huffing, she brings her hands up to tangle in his hair, "Unless you want Merlin to walk in on this."

"Can you imagine the look on his face?" Calliope laughs just thinking about it, already missing the warmth of his body the second he sits up, sheets pooling around his bare thighs. She turns to lay on her stomach as he gets dressed, resting her head on his pillow.

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