𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗𝖙𝖊𝖊𝖓

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so this chapter is going to be different. I've been trying to decide how to tell calliope's backstory without giving you guys an information overload lol.
so this chapter with cover the duels and then more of calliope's story.
it does not coincide with an episode of the show. this is an extra chapter to tell cal's story!
calliope's backstory is extremely violent and dark because she's only 13 and 14 during her training. i just want to give you guys a heads up.
I kinda made a trailer for this story :)
please watch with headphones <3




Wiping thick mud off her face, Calliope struggled to stand up. Her ribs ached; her head pounded. Morning training was definitely the worst part of her day. She drew in a sharp breath, gripping the thin handle of her heavy sparring sword, which she only recently became strong enough to swing. Calliope drug herself out of the mud in the center of the sparring arena. She faced the fourteen-year-old boy in front of her --he was taller, older, and stronger-- and he looked over her with victory already tracing his expression.

With Sepharin watching from the gate, Calliope raised her sword. The boy, Darrian, charged at her with a loud yell of power as he mercilessly swung at her head. Calliope barely evaded his attack, her nimble figure as her advantage. She swung at his chest, his sword blocking hers with ease. Darrian hit the side of her face with the blunt handle of his sword. She felt the irony taste of blood flow in her mouth as her vision blurred. Then, he swept her legs out from underneath her, and once again, Calliope's back collided with the cold mud. She coughed as Darrian smugly stood over her.

"Why don't you just give up already, little girl?"

A fire of anger awoke in her chest at his mocking tone. She spun around in the mud, her foot coiling back, and colliding right with Darrian's groin. He yelled in pain, tumbling over and dropping his sword.

"And that is why," Sepharin entered the arena, patting Darrian on the back, "you never let your guard down; no matter who you are fighting. You had her beaten, but you let your pride get in the way."

Calliope stood up, her entire body caked in mud; her icy blonde hair was turned a disgusting brown color from three hours of sparring.

Darrian shot Calliope a narrowed look as he spat at her feet, "Bitch," he muttered as he walked away.

Calliope watched him exit the small arena, "I'm never going to be as good as everyone else here," she looked to Sepharin. "I'm the smallest and the youngest."

Sepharin put his hand on her shoulder, leaning down to be at her eye level, "But, you have something the other five lack," she raised her eyebrows. "You're clever, Calliope, and you have a strength inside you that I believe can make you truly great." He pointed to her heart. "You just have to start believing that yourself, and then, no one here will be able to stop you." He stood up straight, lightly shoving her towards the gate. "Now, go get cleaned up. You stink."

Trudging down the dirt path that led back to the village, Calliope let out a quiet huff. She shivered from the cold mud that stuck to her skin, which didn't help considering they were in the middle of winter. She spotted smoke rising from the small cottages in the distance, aching to get beside a fire.

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