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VALIANT ( iii. )

 "Merlin, you are out of your mind!"

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 "Merlin, you are out of your mind!"


"You're going to get us both thrown into the dungeons!"

Merlin turns swiftly to look at Calliope with annoyance, "Just trust me, Cal. I know what I'm doing." The blonde shuts her mouth into a hard line as she reluctantly nods. "Good, now keep watch out here. I'll only be a minute."

Merlin enters Knight Valiant's chambers without another word and Calliope lets out a huff as she keeps her eyes peeled for anyone entering the corridor. She leans back against the wall, the man from the courtyard sneaking into her mind again. 

Maybe she really was imagining him, but the slim chance that he's really in Camelot causes worry to escalate through her mind. He's the one person Calliope isn't able to kill; ironic since he trained her to kill others. Everything she knows is from him, but she learned too late that he's corrupt with evil too powerful to overcome.

And now, he might have found her.

Calliope pushes herself off the wall when she hears echoes of footsteps. She pounds her fist against the door, "Merlin, hurry up! Someone's coming!"

The door is pulled open moments later as Merlin flashes Calliope a grin before holding up a snakehead, "Told I knew what I was doing."

Disbelief emits from her blue eyes as she examines the snakehead, but she doesn't have time to speak. The footsteps grow louder as Calliope pulls Merlin out of the corridor with her. They run quickly towards Gaius's chambers.

Once he has the snakehead, Gaius can make an antidote, and Knight Ewan can tell King Uther everything that happened to him; he can expose Valiant. Calliope has to admit that this plan is brilliant. Merlin's smarter than he lets on.

The two of them rush into Gaius's chambers, startling him. Merlin doesn't say anything as he hands Gaius the snakehead, and after a few moments of examining it, Gaius hastily begins extracting the venom from its fangs.

"I'll get started preparing the antidote," Gaius assures.

Merlin starts for the door again, "I'm going to tell Arthur."

"You'll need this," Gaius hands him the snakehead. "And, Merlin, what you did was very brave."

"Yeah, I'm impressed, wizard boy."

Merlin exits the room, and Gaius stands amongst all his potions as he picks out the ones he needs for the antidote carefully. Calliope sits down at the table in silence while Gaius works, but it isn't long before Gaius brings up their unfinished conversation Merlin barged in on the other day; a conversation Calliope has been dreading.

"Calliope, you do know you can tell me anything, don't you? Even things you don't want to."

She keeps her eyes on the table, "I know, Gaius. I'm afraid that telling you will endanger you."

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