𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖎𝖋𝖙𝖞-𝖋𝖔𝖚𝖗

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Calliope's morning routine is interrupted

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Calliope's morning routine is interrupted.

As she stands with Leon in the corner of the council chambers to discuss their patrol of the Northern border, the doors are pulled open in one loud motion, and a scruffy, stout man storms before the King.

The assassin crinkles her nose, "Who pissed in this guy's porridge?"

"Ah, Halig," Uther greets him as he looks up from the parchment he was scribbling on, Gaius seated beside him, "you come bearing gifts?"

Halig bows, "Yes, Sire. A druid girl, but she escaped last night—here in Camelot."

"Don't worry. We'll soon find her," King Uther glances to the corner of the room. "Calliope can handle the search. Take some guards with you."

The man walks around the table, his eyes overcome with a new sense of fear, "You should warn them, Sire. The girl is dangerous. An informer told me she was cursed," Calliope almost scoffs. Join the club.

"How so?"

"He didn't know, but he said even the druids were frightened of her. They cast her out of their camp."

Gaius turns his gaze to the man, "It's against all the druids' beliefs to reject those in need of care."

"Then why would they do such a thing?"

"I dread to think."

Calliope steps forward as the King issues his commands, "Set up sentries on all the gates."

"We should search the lower town, Sire," Halig says, glancing once to Calliope. "Someone may be harboring her."

"You think she had help?" Gaius asks.

"I saw two figures running away."

The King nods, "Give Halig all the help he needs. I want this girl and her accomplice found."

When Gaius and Calliope lock eyes, they both seem to be thinking the same thing: Merlin. Who else would be idiotic enough to get involved in this?

She doesn't have a chance to talk to the physician or even to express her concerns for Merlin and his usual heroic gestures that put his life in danger because Halig is crowding her, barking commands.

"We will set up a search in the low town. Don't let anyone through until I've looked at them and ensured they aren't who I'm searching for. Also, I'll need several guards to—"

Calliope holds up a hand in front of his face, and he stumbles over his last few words, "Let me stop you right there. I'm not about to take orders from a man who couldn't even hold onto his own cargo."

"Listen here, you little bitch—"

She holds up her hand again, "I'm not talking to you anymore."

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