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When Calliope is awoken by the sound of scuffling feet and a candle being lit in the main room of the physician's chambers, she swings her legs off of her bed

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When Calliope is awoken by the sound of scuffling feet and a candle being lit in the main room of the physician's chambers, she swings her legs off of her bed. The door creaks loudly as she steps into the light. Across the floor, she spots Merlin standing on the stairs that lead to his bedroom, his hair wild and sleepiness still present in his eyes.

Gaius sits at the table, wide awake with his glasses on the bridge of his nose as he examines a scroll. The physician turns from his work to meet Merlin's gaze. Usually, when Merlin wakes in the middle of the night, it means it's about to be another long few days for Camelot.

Her suspicions are correct as Merlin glances between Calliope and Gaius, worry and alarm overtaking his face.

"Can't sleep?" Gaius asks from his workbench.

"Something woke me," Merlin answers, his eyes training on the door.

Leaning against the doorpost, Calliope raises her eyebrows, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know," his eyes turn downcast. "A feeling."

"What kind of feeling?"

Breathless, Merlin looks up, "Powerful magic. Here in Camelot."

Unease causes Calliope to shift her weight uncomfortably. Sepharin. That's the first thing that pops into her mind. After all, the full moon was only five days away— the day Calliope will break the bond with the blood wraiths and send them back to hell for good. Maybe he found out somehow. Maybe he's here to kill her early.

But, before she can voice her concerns, the door of the physician's chambers busts open. A very panicked Gwen runs into the room, tears running down her flushed cheeks.

"Merlin!" she exclaims as she stops in front of him. "My father's been arrested!"

"Arrested? What for?" Calliope steps forward, and Gaius stands from his bench.

Gwen throws out her hands, "They say he was making weapons for a sorcerer. They're charging him with treason!"

"This can't be right," the young sorcerer shakes his head, and Calliope can see the thoughts behind his eyes wondering if his weird feeling is connected to all of this. "Your father wouldn't do that, Gwen, I know it."

"We need to speak with Tom," Calliope motions for everyone to follow her. "Right now."

"They're not allowing visitors."

Her eyes meet Gwen's, determined and keen, "We'll see about that."

After months of training with the knights and guards, Calliope has gotten to know most of them at least on a surface level and how well they can fight. Some of them have a sense of fear about them in her presence, and she uses it to her advantage. She doesn't care if the guards tell her no—she will get Gwen to her father. They should at least allow her that small bit of decency.

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