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LANCELOT ( iii. )

The soft melodies of violins drift in the air, mixing with the jumbled chatter of joyful conversations and laughter

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The soft melodies of violins drift in the air, mixing with the jumbled chatter of joyful conversations and laughter. A long table with deciduate fruits and deserts sits opposite of Calliope as she stands with Merlin and Gaius. The young sorcerer holds a small bowl of grapes, people sauntering to him occasionally to grab a handful of them. Calliope's eyes flicker to Arthur and Lancelot as they drink wine and share stories. A light smile tugs at her lips. She's happy for Lancelot and his accomplishment.

Occasionally, she feels Arthur's eyes on her when her gaze is elsewhere, but Calliope manages to keep her heart at a steady rhythm as she thinks about anything she can to avoid thoughts of him. The dawning reality that an entire month has gone by eats away at her mind and is a strong encouragement for her relationship with Arthur to remain distant and professional.

From beside her, Merlin grabs Gaius's attention, "Look at him, Gaius," he says in a proud and quiet voice. "Does Lancelot not deserve this moment?"

"I never said he didn't," Gaius states. "But destiny and deserve are not the same things. You played God, Merlin. You set him on a path of your choosing," Merlin's eyes flash with a hint of worry. "Tonight you have brought him triumph, but who knows what the future holds."

"Yeah, I don't know what it said on your invitation, but on mine, it said 'celebration'."

Gaius laughs, "Point taken. Don't come back too late," he turns to Calliope in a joking tone. "You're starting to rub off on him, and I don't think I can handle two smart mouths in my house."

"You know you love us, Gaius!" Calliope calls out as he walks away.

"He doesn't seem mad at you anymore," Merlin points out as he leans towards her.

She sighs, "Maybe not, but he's still disappointed. He's just a good person that values his relationship with us more than his personal feelings about the things we do."

"These duels," Calliope's gaze meets Merlin's. "They're really important to you, aren't they?"

Calliope nods, taking a breath before she speaks, "It's not all about me. It's more about changing people's ancient view of the belief that only men can fight."

"Well, I admire your determination," Merlin says as a couple comes up to him to grab some grapes. "And I'll definitely be there to watch you knock those knights on their asses."

Calliope chuckles as she pats Merlin's shoulders, "Thank you, Merlin."

As the celebrations continue, Gwen strolls away from Morgana to greet Calliope and Merlin. Her curly, black hair is pulled away from her freckled face as she stands in her servant's dress.  The blonde notices Gwen and Lancelot stealing glances at each other, and she gives Gwen a smug grin.

"I think Lancelot might have eyes for you, Gwen," Merlin says.

"Don't be silly."

"So, what if he did? Would that really be so bad?"

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