𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖙𝖜𝖊𝖓𝖙𝖞-𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖊

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Calliope didn't sleep

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Calliope didn't sleep.

How could she? Every time she closes her eyes, she remembers the man from the Throne Room and his terrified face as he exposed her hiding place. Why now? After being silent for so many months, for not carrying out one single kill, there is no explanation as to how anyone could find out the Red Dragon is in Camelot.

Well, there is one possibility. Sepharin. His hand has to be behind all of this. It's his warning that he's coming, or maybe he's already here watching this all play out with a wicked smile. He wants to see her lose everything; to have to feel helpless as everyone turns on her and a place she had began to think of as home crumbles under her feet. A part of her wishes he would just kill her instead of this slow, burning torture.

And when morning comes, the full moon being the very next night; the night of her death, she is forced to head to the Throne Room with Arthur and the other knights bright and early. The King wants to get ahead of this situation before people panic and before the Red Dragon can strike.

Calliope can ensure that the Red Dragon will not in fact "strike", but she can't exactly tell him that, so she'll just let him keep himself and the knights busy with a wild goose chase.

The blonde stands next to Sir Leon behind the table, surprised the King is letting her in on this meeting, but he's desperate for all the help he can get. She crosses her arms over her chest, looking down at the map of the Five Kingdoms and examining how they have marked the places of her known kills with pretty decent accuracy. Though, she would like to reach down and adjust and add a few red x marks, she controls herself.

Once everyone is present, the King takes his place at the head of the table, "The Red Dragon is officially, across all the Five Kingdoms, the most wanted fugitive in the world, " Damn, that's a little harsh.

Arthur steps forward, motioning to the map on the table, "On this map, we have to the best of our abilities, marked every known kill he has inflicted; however, the assassinations are random and unpredictable. He seems to work from his own agenda, and if anything, that only makes him more dangerous."

"Why do you think he's come to Camelot?" One knight asks.

Before Arthur can answer, Calliope raises a hand, "Yeah, excuse me, how do we even know this man's information is legitimate? I mean, the Red Dragon hasn't killed in months, so maybe it's just a rumor."

"Thank you, Calliope, for your input," he says as he grits his teeth and before his father can have an outburst at her for interrupting, "Even if it is just a rumor, something like this needs to be taken seriously, which you aren't that skilled at, so maybe you should just leave."

Clenching her jaw, Calliope nods, "I think you're right," she spits out before storming away from the table.

She makes her way to the door, passing a guard who's entering, "My Lord," he bows before stepping further into the room. "We have received word from an informant." The blonde pauses right outside the door. "The Red Dragon is a woman."

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