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Aredian's chambers are tailored to inflict fear in any who cross through the door

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Aredian's chambers are tailored to inflict fear in any who cross through the door. His table is scattered with papers, and beside them rests an open skull, which holds the ink for his quill. The Witchfinder watches Calliope with keen eyes, expecting her to flinch at the gruesome display, but all that crosses her face is boredom. She picks at the dirt underneath her fingernails, sighing quietly and mumbling about how this is all one big waste of her time.

He's not used to people being so relaxed around him. Calliope almost smirks as he seems unsure of how to proceed with her. Any intimidation tactics he was planning on using against her must be thrown out the window. He needs a new way to approach this situation.

Underneath the table, Calliope crosses her ankles. A hand is resting near her belt—one motion and the dagger she needs will be in her palm. She can puncture his throat, drag his body down empty corridors, and leave him to the animals of the forest, but she'll hear what he has to say before she jumps into impulsive action.

The Witchfinder clears his throat, trying to present a strong front, grasping for the upper hand, "I understand you've only been in Camelot a little over a year. Where were you before then?"

Calliope leans an elbow against the arm of the chair, tilting her head, "I thought we were having a discussion about uncovering evil magic, not a walk through my traveling history."

"I'm merely curious."

"You're lying, but I'll tell you anyway," she says, her eyes shifting back to the skull, which is so obviously fake. "My parents died when I was young. I've been a sort of wanderer ever since. Gaius is my only family, so I finally decided to settle here."

He writes something on a piece of parchment, "I also must ask about an interesting story I was told—that you killed the Red Dragon and finally brought him to justice," her face gives nothing away as he searches for any sign of alarm. "I wonder, how does a girl find and kill the most elusive assassin in the world? No bounty hunters, king's guard, or mercenary have even been able to even get a glimpse of his face, but you track him down and defeat him?"

She nods, "He came to Camelot to kill the king. It appeared to be his end goal."

"And what of the body?"

Calliope shrugs, "I left him in the forest, a few hours south. Probably eaten by wolves and other animals by now."

Aredian leans back in his chair, "It's just rather odd."

"What is?"

"That around the same time you came to Camelot, the assassin stops leaving bodies across the Five Kingdoms."

Her hand inches a bit closer to her dagger, "If you're going to accuse me of something, go ahead and do it."

"Oh, that's not my intention," he says. "You have a mysterious past. No one seems to even know that much about you. Well..." he trials off, deciding to test out a theory, "except for Prince Arthur."

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