𝖈𝖍𝖆𝖕𝖙𝖊𝖗 𝖋𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖞-𝖊𝖎𝖌𝖍𝖙

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It isn't long after word spreads of Arthur's actions in the low town when the King summons the entire royal court to the council chambers

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It isn't long after word spreads of Arthur's actions in the low town when the King summons the entire royal court to the council chambers. To no one's surprise, he is still determined to enforce the tax, and this gathering is no doubt to make an example of people who try to defy him and Catrina. Calliope only hopes the potion switch will reveal the troll's true form before too much damage is done.

The assassin watches as everyone speaks amongst themselves, awaiting the arrival of the Prince. Beside her, Sir Leon shifts his weight nervously, and from the look on his face, Calliope knows whatever the King has planned for his son is worse than she originally thought, and when the double doors are pulled open, revealing the Prince, Calliope's stomach churns with concern for him.

He glances at everyone gathered in the room, "Father," he says, addressing the King.

Uther glances from the scroll in his hand to his son while Catrina sits on her throne, smug and confident, "I'm relaxing your duties, revoking your title."

Gasps resound through the room, but no one looks as shocked as Arthur himself, "What?"

"We live in dangerous times. I cannot allow you to undermine my authority."

"You've always welcomed my council in the past—"

"You stood against me for all the people to see," Uther says in a loud, and daunting voice, anger in his eyes.

With pinched brows, Arthur sighs, "I'm sorry. Any further grievances I have will be held in private."

"It's too late for that," Uther turns away, and Arthur steps after him.


"You are to be disinherited with immediate effect," Calliope wishes she could step in. She wants to voice how ridiculous and horrible this is, but she knows Uther is under Catrina's enchantment, so all her feelings should be directed at the troll. "You are no longer Crown Prince of Camelot."

"Sire, Arthur is your son, your natural heir," Gaius tries to reason with the King, but he's too far gone.

The Prince looks over his shoulder, "Gaius," he says, stopping the physician from interceding any further. His eyes fall back to his father, who underneath the enchantment, has a small glimmer of hesitation that cannot break through the powerful magic. Arthur takes a step closer to his father in one final attempt to change his closed mind. "You've always taught me to be true to my heart, and that's all I've ever tried to do—to be the man you wanted me to be. Someone you were proud to call your son."

A flicker of silence encompasses the room before Uther speaks, "My decision is final," and with utter unbelief and pain flashing across his face, Arthur turns and walks out of the room. "Queen Catrina will be named as rightful heir to the throne. The ceremony will begin forthwith."

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