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LANCELOT ( ii. )

There is no reality where Gaius supports Calliope's decision to piss off King Uther

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There is no reality where Gaius supports Calliope's decision to piss off King Uther.

In fact, as Gaius stands in front of her, his arms crossed and his face pinched in disapproval, Calliope can predict every single word he is about to say to her. She mentally prepares herself for Gaius to delve into a speech about how unwise the duels are, but this is something he cannot talk her out of.

Is it stupid? Possibly. But will it lead to her winning and proving Uther wrong? Definitely.

Calliope is aware that there is a chance Uther will refuse to hold up his end of the bargain, but the mere satisfaction of defeating his best warriors before his eyes, well, that's just too satisfying to pass up.

Uncrossing his arms, Gaius draws in a breath with Lancelot in the back to listen to every word he uses to try and stop Calliope from fighting in the duels.

"I think you know what I'm going to say," he says. "I just wish you would have discussed this with me before going to Uther."

Calliope will admit her actions were rash, "I knew you would try to stop me."

"Of course I would! This is probably the stupidest thing you've ever done!"

Calliope scoffs, "I'm sure that's not true."

"Calliope, I have no doubt you'll win the duels. That's not my concern," Gaius points a finger at her. "You know exactly why these duels are a bad idea. What happened to laying low? Finding peace? Starting over? Was that all a lie?"

She takes a step in his direction, "No, I'm just sick and tired of being treated like I'm incapable and weak! No one takes me seriously here!"

Gaius shakes his head, "Knocking out a few knights won't change that. Do you honestly think Uther is going to hold up his end of the deal? He's a King. He can do whatever he wants, including throwing you in jail for insulting him, and I doubt I could get you out again."

"You can't change my mind," Calliope breathes lowly. "I'm doing this."

With a flustered and disappointed glimmer crossing his expression, Gaius gives in, remembering that Calliope is stubborn and has to learn these things the hard way.

"Very well, but don't be shocked when your victory isn't as glorious as you expect."

The sound of the door opening and closing as Gaius leaves his chambers echoes in Calliope's mind. She hates it when there's a rift between the two of them. He's her only family now, but she just has this determined feeling in her heart that she has to do this. She understands why Gaius thinks her idea is foolish, after all, drawing attention to herself is never wise.

"I think you're being brave."

Lancelot's voice surprises her as she turns her head in his direction. He stands on the other side of the room, his dark eyes watching her with curiosity. Calliope quirks an eyebrow, glancing over him as he leans against the wall.

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