Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2.



As I had predicted, Jayden hadn't taken it well. Partially because I had just told him and I was leaving in two hours, and that was only because he had seen my packed bags on our bed. I was going to tell him! I had just been so busy and... slightly afraid of his reaction?

"Why didn't you tell me?!" He practically yelled at me.

"Because I didn't want you to worry about how long I'd be gone and try to talk me out of going when I don't have a choice about it anyway." Before he could reply, I grabbed his face gently and smiled kissing him softly, "I'll call you, every day. I promise. You don't have to worry about me, I'm not the one who hurts their hand when I try to punch someone, remember?" I smirked.

"Corey, this isn't a joke!" He shoved my hands away. He shook his head, turning to sit down on our bed and I let out a sigh sensing that there was something he wasn't telling me. It was easy to guess though; he was incredibly easy to read.

"Jay, I'll still love you when I get back," I said sitting beside him.

He was always so insecure... It didn't matter how much I promised I loved him, how much I showed him. After years and so much time together, he still did not feel secure about us. I grit my teeth thinking back. It was their fault...

"Will you?" He mumbled, "There's no guarantee that you'll even be back, Corey..." he said. I rolled my eyes.

"You always worry like this and you're always wrong about the outcome of... everything. Literally." I said jokingly. He still didn't laugh and I was becoming a little worried.

"You're leaving, I remember the last time we rode across the country, Corey." I narrowed my eyes, "And you're still practically single." He said frowning.

"We're not driving across the – Wait, you're upset about the wedding thing again?" I asked.

"No, I mean, yes... No – it's just that –" he was saying.

"Us getting married won't fix that fact that you still don't trust me, Jayden." I cut him off a little frustrated. His eyes followed me as I got up and turned back to him. "It's been nine years. I've been with you for nine years! That's not enough for your trust? You actually believe that I'll go out there and hurt you?" I asked.

"How can I not? I'm asking you for one thing, and you won't do that. It's not a lot –" He tried.

"Exactly! It isn't a lot! It's just a page! And what's it going to prove, Jayden? That we're together? Like we are right now? Like we have been for the past fricking nine years? Or will it be of use when we enter a court to get divorced, to prove that we're together then?" I asked. Did he not see, not feel the marks we had on our necks?

He didn't say anything as he stared at me, his face looked a little shocked but more hurt. Why? What had I said?


"What?" I asked.

"'When we get divorced.' You said when." He said. I rolled my eyes.

"It's a word, I just said it; it doesn't mean anything." I said.

"Yes, it did. It does." I rolled my eyes at his reply.

"Well, it's fine because we can't get a divorce, we're not married. Also, it's impossible to unmark each other or backtrack mating so there's no way we could ever be rid of each oth –" I paused seeing Jayden let out a breath of disbelief as his eyes dropped to the floor. Damnit. "Obviously, I don't mean that I – that we would ever want –" I cut myself off again when the door swung open.

Keeping Him (Learning To Love Him book 2) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now