Chapter 26.

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The butter knife in my hand glistened in the little bit of light that managed to make it through the boarded-up window as I tilted it on my fingers.

Distracting my father wasn't a very hard thing to do, I just had to tell him he was weak and he forgot everything, stopped being rational to just go primitively ballistic. It was terrifying, but it was funny for a moment. I figured that his wolf was just like that.

Needless to say, I hadn't gotten myself beat up to the point where I could barely move for nothing over the past few days.

My body still hurt like hell, but it didn't matter because I had gotten a weapon. Well, not necessarily a good weapon but it was close enough.

I bit my lip as my eyes shifted to the door across the room. It was the day where I could – probably would – die but it would definitely be the day Eli got away from their house – or wherever they were keeping him,

I tucked the knife under my sleeve as the door unlocked, the sound loud in the silence around me. I didn't know what time it was, but the light that filtered in told me it was daylight outside. I looked at the door as my father's footsteps made their way towards me.

"How was your night? Sleep well?" He asked.

I studied the man that I looked so much like when not taking into consideration our differences in body mass, I was much skinnier. In the past few days, I had been more terrified of him than I had in my life, but that terror was overshadowed by the need to tick him off and distract him from my son. The terror was replaced by outspoken snappy responses I knew would annoy him to the max.

"I should be asking you that. It's sort of hypocritical, don't you think? All the times you called me names because I'm gay and here you are, and there Mike is –"

"You better shut your fucking mouth, I'm not a fucking faggot!" He cut me off. I chuckled.

"Whoa, calm down, Dad." The fact that I felt so much like Corey at the moment made my heart flutter. He was the reason I wasn't as shy and broken as I used to be, he was also the reason I could barely hold my tongue despite who I was currently speaking to. "No need to take offence... You guys are perfect together. It's about time you stopped pretending to want to get back with my mother." I knew one of the things my father could absolutely not stand was someone questioning his sexuality and pulled my legs back as he kicked the cage.

"Coward!" He yelled.

"Really? You put me in here." Shit, Jayden, shut up.

His eyes were glowing topaz, his wolf was going to lose it and my own would retaliate, I would end up hurting myself in the cage.

Much to my surprise though, he muttered a spell and the cage broke open completely in front of me.

"You talk a lot, Jayden. At least when you were younger you knew how to guard your mouth." He said. I quickly jumped out of the cage to get to my feet so that I wasn't at too big of a disadvantage.

I knew my stamina was terrible, so if there was any chance of escaping, I needed to end things quickly.

His heart.

No one could be brought back twice.

"Let's –" he began but I wasn't going to waste time and attack him when he expected me to, so I launched at him pulling the knife from my pocket in the process and plunging it into his chest forcefully.

It would have killed him if he hadn't made a last-second move to get out of the way, I was sure the knife slid in just millimetres away from his heart. As he yelled in pain, I didn't waste time being disappointed and ran out of the basement hearing him yell curses at me.

Keeping Him (Learning To Love Him book 2) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now