Chapter 9.

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Chapter 9.



"Amp up security, I want more guards at the borders," Sean said after a short while of silence during which he stared at the letter we had received trying to figure out our best reaction to it.

"Why? They're bluffing, you don't warn someone before you attack them; it completely takes away the element of surprise. Why would you give someone a warning? They're either stupid or just trying to alarm us." Andrew, one of Jason's Lieutenants, spoke.

"Maybe, and maybe they want something. Threats like these are usually followed with demands in order to prevent the attack..." I said, "It's probably that." I added looking at the letter as Sean slid it back over to me. "We should amp up no matter what it is: if we just assume they're bluffing or that they want something and will not attack until we decline giving it to them, we might get a pretty dreadful surprise. So, while we don't know that much about this;" I waved the letter, "– it only makes sense to have more guards at the borders... for now."

The letter had been a threat and there was promise of another letter to follow, I assumed we would get told what they wanted in that one. What was weird was that none of us had ever heard of a pack called Alpha – a pretty strong name for cowards sending letters from an unknown location, there was no way we were calling them that – and there we were getting threats from them. We had decided to call them Phil's pack for no real reason; it was just the first name that someone said out loud after Sean had finished reading to the room.

"Perhaps run through the enemies you've made for yourselves? Maybe you just forgot about them." Ian suggested as he walked into the room with Joe in tow.

We had all our meetings at the town hall or in the boardroom in the basement of the hall because the place was completely soundproof without us having to use any magic to make it that way.

Sean and I looked at each other, immediately coming to the same conclusion as we both shook our heads before turning to Izabella's father. "That would take weeks," Sean said what everyone could probably have read from the expressions on our faces.

The only way to make ourselves heard and show other packs that our pack was not to be messed with in a world of werewolves was to show other packs that we were serious, dangerous and strong; show them what we could do. Of course, we did not just go around attacking and bulling random packs, we just had a lot of disagreements with many different packs that quickly escalated into physical disagreements and resulted in a clear winner and loser. The same could be said for Inferno and Titan, we were all in the same boat but that was what made the three of us the strongest packs on the continent. If the Phil pack was strong, they were either very good at hiding it, most likely killing off every single wolf from every pack they fought, or they were from another part of the world that we didn't care about enough to seriously take note of.

"Well then, get to it," Ian said.

"Why can't we just wait for the next letter? If they attack us before then, they're dead." I highly doubted that our pack could be caught off-guard or hurt.

"I agree, we should just wait. The next letter will probably tell us what or who they want while reiterating their threats. If it tells us what they want, we'll run through past enemy possibilities then because we'll be able to narrow it down to a specific person or two." Sean said as he leaned against the desk I was seated at while crossing his arms over his chest. I had the sudden urge to pull the desk towards me just so that he would fall but then remembered we were the Alpha and Beta of our pack and I did not want to embarrass him in front of our council in a very serious meeting. I missed how I would have done it without a second thought if we were still kids, it would have led to a fight with Sean that would distract everyone from the seriousness and tension in the room.

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