Chapter 4.

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Chapter 4.



I dropped my phone on the table beside my newspaper. After initially calling Corey, I waited some time because he was probably busy with work, but when I called again he still did not answer, an hour later and still, no answer. Why wasn't he answering my calls? It had been more than a day since we had spoken and I was becoming quite worried, also, I just missed him and hearing his voice made me feel better since we could not be together at the moment. God, I sounded clingy... I was probably overreacting; he was with Jason, Sean and Zeke. They were all very strong. He was absolutely alright, and he could take care of himself. I would have felt it if he got hurt, even though he was far away, our connection would have made me feel like something was off. What was I worried about?

As for missing him, he would be back soon... hopefully.

I sighed. I needed to stop clinging to him, he wasn't going to go anywhere, and he had assured me of that countless times as well.

"Daddy! Tell Tammy to get away from me!" I heard Eli shout from upstairs.

I smiled as I got up and made my way upstairs. Luckily I had the twins to distract me. "What are you two doing?" I asked spotting them in his room from the hallway.

"She won't leave me alone!" My eyes widened as he shoved his sister out of his room, she stumbled almost falling back and he then slammed the door in her face. Whoa.

Tamia looked at me with wide tear-filled eyes and I sighed grabbing her hand. I was a little worried about how Eli would act as a teenager...

"Eli. Hey, open up." I said knocking on his door even though it was clearly unlocked. I heard angry stomping from behind the door before it swung open and Eli stood glaring directly at Tamia, she shrunk behind me slightly. "Bed," I said. They both ran over and sat on Eli's bed, Eli still glaring at his sister, though she pretended not to notice that and began playing with one of his action figures. I could see that it was annoying him even more; the only reason he was probably only not yelling at her was because I was in the room. "Eli, you know you aren't allowed to slam doors, let alone into people's faces, that was really rude of you," I said.

"But she won't leave me alone!" Eli exclaimed finally grabbing his action figure away from his sister very roughly. He seemed to pause for a second as I tensed, both of us wondering if he hurt her but when her only reaction was looking down at her empty hands he continued, "I want to be alone!"

"I just wanna play!" Tamia said frowning at him. I smiled as I walked over to them and sat on the carpet in front of them. I began explaining to Tamia how sometimes people needed time to themselves and that maybe her brother would play with her later. "But what if he still wants to be alone later?" She asked.

"Tammy, I'll play later." Eli gave her a smile.

"Fine..." she mumbled.

"Why do you want to be alone?" I looked at Eli.

"Just." He shrugged.

"Sick of people?" I smiled.

"Very." He smiled back at me. I chuckled ruffling his hair. He was usually incredibly social so I didn't mind him wanting some alone time.

"Tammy and I will just bake some cookies then, sound good?" I said taking her hands and pulling her from his bed. She jumped happily.


"But-but I wanna bake cookies too!" Eli suddenly yelled out. I laughed.

"Well, let's –" I was cut off as clear ringing came from the kitchen. We had heightened hearing senses being wolves and could even hear vibrations from downstairs.

Keeping Him (Learning To Love Him book 2) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now