Chapter 23.

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I smiled at my reflection in the mirror while running the brush through my hair. It was Corey's brush, but he wouldn't mind, I knew that. We shared everything... well, we would...

After I finished, I got up pulling my hair over my shoulder before straightening out the summer dress I wore. Corey had to like it.

"Corey!" My ears perked up hearing someone call his name.

"He's not here, Hayley. He's on building duty, not sure why he feels the need to leave so early, but anyway, what's going on? Can I help?" I heard Sean.

"Tamia's burning up again, I don't know what to do, we've given her medicine and magic isn't working."

"Magic isn't working?" Sean sounded surprised, "Alright, we're still working on finding Marcus, he'll be strong enough to fix it."

"Sean, I don't think it's a good idea to wait, she's only getting sicker, we need to figure something out and Eli and Ashton won't leave her side. What if it's contagious?"

I rolled my eyes as I dropped the brush. Why was everyone so obsessed with those kids? There were plenty of others around and if she died, there would always be more. The panic was further ruining my mood that had immediately lowered when Sean said Corey had already left the house.

"It can't be if they've been with her a lot, we would have seen signs by now." I heard Sean sigh, "Let me try magic," he said. Obviously he was stronger than anyone else in the pack when it came to magic.

"It won't work, and besides that, she doesn't want anyone close to her except Corey and Carrie and Eli won't let Carrie near her. We're pretty much letting Eli and Ash take care of her."

I walked up to them.

"Is everything okay? Is Tammy getting better?" I asked faking a perfectly concerned tone, "Sean, if you could just get Eli away for a few hours, I could check up on her, find out what's wrong."

I did not like the thought of her getting any better, but helping her would help me because Corey would love that I took care of her while he was gone.

The pair that were talking turned to me, both of their eyes dropping to the dress I wore before Sean's jaw clenched as his eyes met mine again.

"No, I don't think that's necessary, Carrie. Eli and Ash can handle it until I get back with Corey." Sean said.

I almost rolled my eyes. He still didn't like me. It was like he just woke up one day hating someone he knew nothing about, I never liked him even when we were kids. He was always so arrogant because of his future-Alpha status, even when we were toddlers. It didn't matter, I didn't need him to like me. He would just have to accept me as a very important part of the pack once Corey and I officially mated and married.

"Sean, they're seven-year-olds; they can't 'handle it'," Hayley frowned.

Sean glanced at me as he linked to Hayley and by the expressions on their faces as they linked, I could see that the conversation wasn't very pleasant. They were probably arguing.

Eventually, Sean growled angrily before he shot a glare at me as he pulled his phone out. He dialled a number and it ran until Corey answered the ringing with a 'What's going on?'

"Nothing's going on, we just need you back at the house, Corey." I heard someone shout a 'Who is it, Beta?' from Corey's side of the phone, it was answered by a quick 'Alpha' from my future mate.

"I can't there's... a building crisis," Corey said. I heard Jason's voice mutter a 'What?' and Corey hissed something at him from the other end of the line.

Keeping Him (Learning To Love Him book 2) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now