Chapter 17.

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"Want some help?" Corey's questioning voice came from behind me so I looked up from the stove I was cleaning and laughed seeing him dressed in a flowery feminine apron and pink gloves.

"Stop. It's the only one my mom has right now and we somehow lost all of ours." He frowned looking at his own attire.

"I didn't say anything. You look... pretty." He gave me a gentle kick on my leg and I began laughing again.

"You know, I don't have to help." He said while turning to the sink to begin filling it anyway, "I should be resting before my trip but I don't want to let you clean alone and what do I get for being considerate?" He narrowed his eyes at me.

I chuckled moving to kiss him. "There. Thank you, Babe." I turned to head back over to the stove but let out a surprised shout when wet gloved grabbed hold of my waist to pull me back to him.

"You can't just leave it there, Jay... Oh look, your shirt's wet, we should get rid of it." We laughed as I smacked his chest. We had kids and couldn't just do whatever we wanted in the kitchen, "What? We're alone." Oh right. The kids were currently at school. I smirked reaching to untie the apron's string behind his back as we leaned into a kiss but paused when someone spoke.

"What's going on?" Corey let out a very audible growl as Carrie walked into the kitchen. She had left earlier. I couldn't help but feel disappointed at her presence as well as I leaned my head onto his shoulder before smiling and turning to greet her, though Corey spoke before I could.

"Shouldn't you be at work or just somewhere out... dying?" He asked. I nudged an elbow into his side harder than I intended to to make him be nicer which then made me turn to him concerned but he just looked at me amused. "Still can't hurt anything, even when you try." He said smirking at me as he kissed my head.

"Shut up." My mutter caused him to chuckle as he hugged me.

Earlier that morning, Carrie had left stating that she needed to take care of some work. We weren't sure what work, but Corey did not care and I did not mind; if she had found some work or a job, she able to find her own place soon. I was okay with her staying longer, but did not like how annoyed Corey seemed about her being with us.

She was back much earlier than expected, it was almost midday which was why it was time to try to clean up before the kids' school day ended.

"Stop being rude." I said.

"What are you going to do if I don't stop?" He replied and then began laughing again when I glared at him.

"I don't know why I accepted you." I mumbled under my breath.

"Because I'm awesome, and I'm hot and you love me." He grinned. I looked at him and shook my head as I bit my lip trying to look serious and not laugh.

"No, I think it's because you make great pizza... maybe the hot part too." We laughed as he kissed my temple but stopped as we heard a throat clear.

"God, I keep forgetting you're still here." Corey muttered looking towards Carrie but she just smiled back as she stood up.

"Perhaps you two should move to a room while I head to town." I felt my face heat a little as Corey just continued staring at Carrie through narrowed eyes, "Would you like me to bring anything back? It's on me."

"Yeah, actually..." Turning to the fridge made me pause as I realised the stove was still covered in cleaning supplies, "Oh – speaking of rooms –" I almost forgot about cleaning.

"No, Jay, don't do that, not now." Corey said grabbing my hand.

"Hey, we have a house to clean. You stay in the kitchen; I'll start with our room because you can't take a shower properly." I shot him a glare and he scratched his head looking around guiltily. Somehow he always left the bathroom floor wet when he was done, his clothes were discarded everywhere and there were always smudges all over the mirror even though he claimed that he never touched it. "Here are some groceries we need," I said to Carrie as I pulled the list off the fridge.

Keeping Him (Learning To Love Him book 2) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now