Chapter 22.

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"Corey –" I had just walked into Kaden's office.

"You said you would call them, Kade. Where are they?" I asked. They had the ability to teleport, they should have been there as soon or just hours after they were contacted.

"No one can get a hold of Marcus or Bianca. It's like they've disappeared." Sean said.

"No! That doesn't make any sense! We saw them a few weeks ago! You guys have to be able to get a hold of them somehow; it's been over a day! I need – I need to find him!" I was losing my cool so badly, I was lucky only Sean and Kaden were in the office and that it was soundproof.

"Corey, calm down. We're doing everything we can! But I'm doing all of this and overseeing the search and the re-building, and you're just freaking out. I told you I needed you to pull it together, at least just until we've singled out the problems and calmed the pack down." Sean said desperately.

"I am calm!" I exclaimed. They stared at me and I sighed running my hands through my hair again. "Fine." I sighed looking at Sean which instantly caused me to feel bad because of how stressed and drained he looked. "I'll take over the building, it's a distraction... But I also need to find Jayden." I said. I raised my eyebrows as Sean shook his head at me.

"No, you're too emotional for that." I stared at him. What?

"Too emotional? He's my mate!"

"Exactly! You're too panicked to even look at this rationally! Too shaken to find solutions." Sean said. I bit my tongue annoyed. He was right but of course I could not just stay out of it. They sighed.

"Listen, Corey... I'll find Bianca and Marcus, and they will find Jayden for us. I've already sent people to their house. I'll have them by this afternoon, I promise." Kaden said to me.

"Yes, and when they're here, you can get involved in finding your mate. But right now, as you said, Corey, you get the re-building. Have you woken the twins?" Sean looked at me.

"Uh, no, they should still be asleep... Just tell them I'm working when they wake up." I said.

"Corey –" Sean began.

"Please make sure they're fed, make sure Eli takes a bath and watch Tammy when she's in the garden, she's always in a garden; she shouldn't be outside by herself especially not right now, the same goes for Eli. I'll be on our territory." I said and left before they could object.

I headed through the house making my way towards the front door when I heard Tamia. "Papa?"

I cursed in my head, she must have sniffed me out as soon as I left the office. I heard hasty footsteps but instead of waiting for her, I sprinted out of the packhouse.

I didn't stop running until I was fairly far away and began jogging towards our territory before calling Jason who had been supervising. He got me caught up as we spoke to him about how far they were, if they had run into any problems so far – not necessarily building problems but more ambushes – and if they had found any evidence or traces. Both of the later questions received 'no' answers.

I ended the call and almost jumped out of my skin when I heard a ruffle in the trees before quickly realising that it was just a hare.

I sighed as I ran my hands through my hair for the umpteenth time that morning. I had to get it together and needed to focus on being a powerful, unbreakable Beta. I needed to lead and do a better job at pretending that I was alright.

But honestly, I didn't think I could do any of those things without having him close to me.


Keeping Him (Learning To Love Him book 2) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now