Chapter 19.

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I ran my hands over my face trying to pull myself together after I called Corey. He was headed to that meeting now. I didn't trust Carrie, but I couldn't let my kids see how much of a wreck I was at the moment. I needed to be me by the time they saw me. The 'me' they knew. Not the pathetic, broken, terrified omega that could not take care of them.

I held sighed remembering the call before making my way back home. After taking some time to compose myself and call Corey in the forest, I had somewhat calmed down. I hadn't gone too far from home fearing the men who had called me last night.

Though I was not completely calm, it appeared that way which was good enough for now. Inside, my heart was about to beat right through my chest and I was on the verge of just crumbling to the ground.

I walked up to my front door and pushed it open quietly before furrowing my brows at how quiet it was on the inside of our house. I expected the twins to be making a noise playing around or Eli yelling at his sister to get away from him, Tamia yelling at him to stop messing with her doll's hair or something, but it was quiet. Very unusually quiet. I didn't like it.

I was about to call for the twins but stopped when I heard yelling, not the yelling I had expected though.

"No! Don't touch her! You did this! I-I'm telling my Papa!" I heard Eli shout. My legs automatically began to move to follow his voice because it sounded so distressed.

"You let me, Eli. This is your fault and you know he'll be angry at you, he'll never forgive you. So move or she'll stay like this and I'll make your pathetic excuse for a dad disappear." My mouth opened slightly as my pace quickened. She was threatening my kids?

"You can't –" Eli began. My eyes widened at Eli's fragile voice. It was so unusual, he rarely got scared of anything. It made my chest ache in concern.

"I can. You saw how he looked in the forest that night; I can make it so much worse. So much worse." I slowed down when I almost reached Tamia's door. Last night? Did she...? She had something to do with that?

"But-but you're hurting her... please, please leave her alone... please..." Eli said weakly, helplessly. I slammed the door open roughly. The fear I had felt earlier, that had almost come back when she mentioned the previous night was gone and I was just angry.

They both looked at me, Eli standing in front of Tamia who sat against the wall looking sick as she sniffled softly crying into the sleeves of her jacket. I clenched my teeth looking at Carrie.

"Get the fuck away from my children and get out of my house." I glared at her.

"Your children?" She asked. "You know what, Jayden, I think you should get out." She said.


"This is my house now. Mine and Corey's. Get out or I'll have you taken out." She replied.

"Really?" I coughed in disbelief, "How crazy are you?" I couldn't help but chuckle at how ridiculous it was. She glared at me before smirking.

"Yes, really. Does the name Mike ring a bell?" My smile fell and she gave a light giggle walking closer to me, "You haven't been imagining things, Jayden. He's alive; very much so and so is –"

She was cut off by the sound of a massive explosion that sounded very near and I instantly dived to cover Eli and Tamia as they let out surprised screams. I looked out of Eli's window hearing panicked screaming from outside before the alarm went off signalling that all the pups, elderly wolves and women had to go to the safe house while everyone else had to fight.

Keeping Him (Learning To Love Him book 2) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now