Chapter 12.

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Chapter 12.



I frowned staring at the note. It had one sentence carelessly scribbled down onto it.

Watch them burn, Corey.

Yes, the threatening letters were clearly my fault. What the particular note in my hand meant, I didn't know but I had figured out who had sent it. Sean and I guessed that it was a small pack – The Windson pack – that attacked one of our company buildings a few years back, killing almost every one of our wolves in it, five of our guys survived. Five. Did they think they would get away with that? They killed one eighty-three of our pack's wolves that day, innocent wolves that were at work.

The incident never made the news, we had Kaden and some of his pack compel the humans who had known anything about it to forget. Afterwards, we sought them out, Sean gave the order for us to attack them and I effectively burnt their packhouse to the ground... by mistake... I was aiming to scare them and injure their leaders.

They asked for it though, so no regrets from me.

So how did this relate to the unknown pack, Phil, which had sent us the first note? Well, Sean suggested that they either grew their numbers incredibly fast or convinced packs that hated us at much as they did to merge with them and create a new pack; an 'enemy of my enemy...' situation.

I was still at the office with Sean, we had been there for a few hours doing pack paperwork, finances, trying to purchase the plot and things like that.

"I should be getting home." Sean looked up.

"I think I'll sleep here," I replied as I returned to the work I had been reading through before looking at the note again. They probably wanted to attack our pack again, but we were prepared both at home and in the city.

"Another fight with Jay?" He looked at me.

"Not this time." I wish it was another little fight with Jayden; that would be easy to solve. He chuckled.

I sighed as I got up. "How's Ash's arm?"

"Improving... Izzy's still too mad to even talk to me" He frowned. "Talk to her?" He looked at me expectantly.

I gave a chuckle of disbelief which instantly made his face drop. "Sean, I'm her best friend, I'm Beta, but I'm not God." He glared at me as I laughed, it was the truth though. Izabella was incredibly stubborn when she wanted to be. There was no way she was going to listen to anything I had to say about forgiving Sean after he let Ashton's arm get broken. "Fine, let's lock-up," I said deciding to leave as he did. We closed up the office before doing the same to the rec hall and then split up to head home.

I took my time strolling there until I walked into my house and was happy to find it quiet. Was Carrie gone? No. I could still smell her lingering scent clearly. I growled in annoyance but forced myself to calm down before I could shift and rip her throat apart. My kids did not need to see that. She was up to something though. I didn't trust her. There was no way she was there just to re-join our pack.

I locked the front door before making my way upstairs silently. The house was quiet which led to the assumption that everyone was probably asleep. I peeked into Tamia's room as I passed it before I did the same to Eli, they were both soundly asleep. I didn't go near any of the guest rooms, instead quietly walking into my room as I heard low singing. I smiled listening to Jayden's voice as I stood at the door, leaning against the frame while he changed; too busy to notice I was there. His senses were still that of an Omega, even though I had tried to train him. I watched his body move as he changed from his daywear into pyjama pants but before he could put his shirt on I snuck up behind him and grabbed him by the waist.

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