Chapter 16.

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I walked into the retirement home and straight by reception, not bothering to do what was generally required for visits while calling out a greeting to the people seated behind the reception desk.

"Even you have to sign in, Beta!" I heard Jamie call back.

"You saw me walk in! I'm not here to kill any old people!" I replied while turning to head down the hall.

"Old?" I chuckled as I dropped the groceries on the kitchen table before kissing my great grandmother on her cheek. Most of the elderly wolves willingly chose to stay there because it gave them less 'stress', well, that's what they told us. Apparently the rest of the pack moved 'too fast' for them.

"Wise?" I smiled.

"Hm-mh." She narrowed her eyes at me.

I laughed. "Beta!" I hugged one of the nurses as she walked in. "What are you doing here?" She asked.

"Oh, just delivering some treats while Sean and I run through a few final things before we leave. Is there anything needed here?" I asked.

"The basement's flooded." She said.

"What? You're telling me this now?" I asked.

"It happened last night and we couldn't get a hold of any of the Deltas or you and Sean because you're so busy with this mysterious 'work'" She said.

"Alright, I'll find someone to fix it immediately." I said before I kissed my great grandmother again saying Jayden would bring the twins by to see her later.

I left and texted Izabella to find someone to fix the home's pluming. She responded with a 'why can't you do it?'. I told her I had other work and she texted back telling me she was shocked the pack had survived for as long as it did with Sean and me in charge because we were both 'lazy beyond belief' and that she would have someone there in an hour. I just replied with a 'thank you' accompanied by a picture of myself winking because it would annoy her.

I then jogged home happily. The home had been the last thing on my to-do list which had kept me completely busy for the past eleven hours, I was happy to finally get some time with my mate and kids before I had to leave on Tuesday morning.

"Jay?" I called out happily walking into the house while pulling my jacket off and tossing it on the console table beside the door where we usually left our keys. Was the coat hanger right next to that table? Yes. Did I consider it too much work to actually hang the jacket up...? Yes.

I frowned when my calls received no answer from my mate. Where was he?

"Jay? Soldier?" I called, "Tammy?"

Why weren't they responding? I paused as I heard running water before I followed the noise, making my way upstairs as it stopped.

"Carrie?" I called slowly. No response, which was actually a relief. I heard a door open from inside my room and smiled.

"Jayden, stop messing around." I chuckled as I walked into our bedroom but my smile fell as Carrie walked out of our bathroom drying her hair. She looked at me and smiled.

"Oh, I didn't hear you come –" She was saying.

"What the fuck are you doing in here?" I cut her off.

"The guests' shower's drain is clogged." She answered.

"Then take a bath! Or shower a shower in the bathroom down the hall. You know there's another bathroom." I said.

"I do, but it doesn't smell like you." She said smiling. I grit my teeth turning to pull the bathroom door shut.

"Carrie, I told you to stop –" I stopped as she grabbed my face and guided my head so that I was looking at her. I immediately became aware that all she was wearing was the white towel wrapped around her body.

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