Chapter 31.

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I shoved by Carrie, pushing her roughly and fell onto my knees beside my mate as he fell onto his back. His frightened eyes were staring at the sky while he choked trying desperately to speak to me, but no words left his mouth, just gasps and sickening gargling at attempting to breathe as his heart tried to keep beating.

"Corey –" My voice cracked.

I grabbed the knife and pulled it out so his body would heal but gasped as chunks of his heart stuck to it. Was it...? It was platinum. No. I dropped the knife from my trembling hands to cover his wound. No, no.

"Papa –" Eli began but couldn't finish his growl, it made everything seem more real. Before, it felt like I was in a dazed nightmare.

I pressed my hands onto the wound on Corey's chest trying to stop his bleeding and not knowing whether to completely panic and break down or act like it was okay, or like it would be okay for Tamia and Eli's sake. Like acting like it was okay was even an option anymore...

Part of me knew he was not going to heal, not with the knife she had used but that did not seem to communicate to the rest of my brain or body as I still willed the wound under my hands to close. I sobbed feeling less of his blood against my hands as I tried to stop it from gushing out of his chest, I couldn't hear his heart anymore and his breathing had stopped.

"No, Babe –" I called desperately as my tears made it impossible to see him clearly. "Please –"

I froze suddenly breathless.

My body felt cold, my chest empty. It was gone. It didn't fade... It just disappeared. I couldn't feel his pull anymore... I couldn't feel his pain anymore.

No. No. This can't be happening. I leaned over him to grab his face so I could look into his unresponsive eyes before returning my hands to his chest. No. It wasn't happening.

"C-Corey – Corey – Babe – Come on, plea - please –" I urgently began giving him CPR trying to get his heart to move again, maybe if it moved it would heal itself and he would start breathing again and he would okay, "Come on – come on – Corey –" I sobbed desperately shoving his chest. I felt my chest ache, my arms hurting as I kept at it until I was stopped when arms suddenly tightly circled my shoulders as Sean sat behind me and leaned his chin on my shoulder.

'Jayden... He's gone...' He linked to me. I shook my head trying to move out of his grip but it only tightened around me to keep me trapped in his arms. No, he was wrong. There had to be something I could do, he wasn't gone. 'He's gone...' Sean's soft voice repeated in my mind, 'There's nothing you can do...' I felt his arms tighten more as I shuddered. I kept shaking my head as my arms went numb causing my bloody hands to slip from Corey's chest and I felt my body shake as I began to cry more, each sob ripping through my chest but not masking the pain.

He was right... There was no way his heart would heal, it was one of the few ways to actually kill us and I could feel it... I couldn't feel him at all... I had felt him since the moment we first saw each other, before then I could feel that I had a mate and now... there was nothing. He was gone...

I swallowed reaching out and sobbed as I pushed his eyelids closed over his blue eyes that had been staring up at the sky blankly, completely void of any emotion or life.

'Daddy, no – wake him up – why-why are you stopping –? Daddy, wake him u –' Eli's voice cracked as he whined.

I didn't try to answer him as I pulled him into a hug still unable to stop my own crying. I looked up and saw Tamia's wolf shake her head at Corey's dead body as she began to back away in disbelief before attempting to run away, but I caught her before she could and pulled her into our tight hug.

Keeping Him (Learning To Love Him book 2) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now