Chapter 6.

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Chapter 6.



My fingers tapped against the steering wheel as I drove, there was no music, just urgent tapping. I was trying to distract myself by offering to drive us home. I had no intention of stopping anywhere for the night. Well, except the basic refreshment stops. It was about a twenty-five-hour drive back home without stops and I wanted to be there in the least amount of time possible.

"Corey, what's wrong with you?" Zeke spoke up from the passenger seat beside me shooting me a questioning glance.

The car had been fairly silent for the most part since we had left the hotel four hours ago, everyone seemed somewhat tired. I hadn't said a word to or even so much as looked Carrie's way, she sat right at the back and I was glad about the distance. Jason had spent most of his time glaring at me since the incident in the club. He was right to be angry. I was so damn stupid. I just hoped he would keep his mouth shut until I could speak to him about it privately. Thankfully, he hadn't mentioned it to anyone... yet.

"Nothing. Why-why would anything be wrong?" I asked.

Jason snorted and I shot him a glare through the rear-view mirror. He just looked somewhat disgusted and disappointed as his eyes returned to his phone and it left me feeling even more terrible.

"Let it go, Zeke. You do not want to be a part of whatever is in his head." Sean said shaking his head. Zeke nodded in agreement and I rolled my eyes looking back at the road. After staring at it for a few seconds, I couldn't help but look back at Jason who was not looking at me. It made me swallow as panic rose into my chest again.

'Just... don't say anything.' I linked to him.

'I seriously can't believe you.' His narrowed eyes moved to meet mine in the mirror.

'It was a mistake. We were both drunk.' I replied before letting out a shaky sigh, 'Please... don't tell him.'

'Oh, I won't tell him.' He replied, I almost felt a second of relief but he added, 'That's your job.'

"I can't," I spoke before the thought could even process in my mind. Everyone looked at me and I cleared my throat, "I can't – uh - see the, uh, road sign." I covered quickly.

"I told you to eat breakfast," Sean said. "We'll get something at the next stop, and then we'll stop in Jeffery's Town for the night."

"What? Why? We said we were driving all the way." I said. "You said we would be home by tomorrow, you said no stopping – except for the obvious." I just needed to get home as soon as possible.

"I know, but Marcus lives there now." He said, "With Bianca." He added.

"What?" I glanced at him shocked before turning back to the road, "They finally got together? She finally moved away from the peaks?" I asked.

"Apparently and yes. We haven't seen him in forever, might as well drop by." He said. "Or he'll be pissed when he finds out we just drove by when we could have visited." His words drew some chuckles. That was probably true.

"Yeah, maybe she'll detect Jason's mate for him," Zeke said.

"Pfft, my mate can wait and you're speaking as if you can find yours," Jason replied.

We laughed but I stopped as Carrie spoke. "So, this Bianca we're heading to is the Witch who brought your friends Adan and Rita back to life?" she asked.

I was drunk when I had told her about Jayden, but I had told her everything. Every little detail. I wish I had not, but that happened. I knew he was upset about it, he hated the fact that people we know knew about his past, let alone someone he didn't know. Heck, I was upset about it. I was an idiot. An inconsiderate, reckless idiot. The trip was reminding me why I quit drinking...

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