Chapter 11.

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Chapter 11.



It was early Saturday morning and I was in the gym supervising the kids' training session. It had been days since we got the letter, we still hadn't gotten another or experienced any kind of confrontation. Sean and I were considering that the letter was just a prank.

"Ah!" Sean clenched his teeth slightly from beside me hearing the painful yell, I would have too if I was him. Eli had punched Ashton square in the face before kicking him in the chest so that the young beta fell onto the mat out of breath.

It's a good thing Izabella and Jayden stayed away from the young Alpha and Delta training sessions or they would have already killed us. If Izabella knew Sean was letting Ashton get hit the way he had just been, Sean would be banned from his own pack.

Ashton jumped back to his feet before going at Eli again. I tried not to react too much as my son fell back onto the mat after receiving a forceful knee in the gut from his best friend, despite his obvious pain, he got up just as quickly as he fell down. I smiled seeing the fire in his eyes as he launched at Ashton again.

Now, usually, the fight would have been over by now, my son being the winner - not by much but still, he won. Today though, Ashton wasn't giving up. The reason? The other rooms of the gym were being cleaned out and the girls' gymnastics team was right across the room, Tamia was in it. There was no way Ashton was letting her watch him get beat up without putting up a hard fight.

"Maybe we should get lunch?" Sean looked at me after checking his watch.

"I want lunch." I looked down at Ben. Ben and Ashton were pretty much equal in levels of power, I tried not to make them fight often, it never ended until we called it a tie and forced them both to quit.

"Me too." Gabriella frowned at us. I smiled patting the ten-year-old future Delta of security on her head.

"Lunch sounds nice." I mumbled, "Maybe we should call it a tie?" I asked Sean.

"No!" Eli shouted as he tackled Ashton. I chuckled. He was incredibly competitive. I watched as he got onto Ashton's back and swiftly twisted his friend's arm. I wasn't entirely sure what he was doing; I hadn't seen him do it before and I certainly had not taught it to him. Sean seemed pretty surprised too.

Sean winced as we heard a sickening snap and my eyes widened. Okay, no more action movies for Eli.

"Oh shit!" Eli jumped off Ashton wide-eyed, "I-I'm so sorry!" His distraught eyes were stuck to his best friend's broken arm. I made a mental note to reprimand Eli about his language later.

"That was so cool," Ashton replied in a groan as one of our pack doctors ran up to the pair of boys. "Good fight." He smiled up at Eli who laughed in agreement as he first-bumped the hand Ashton held up.

"His wrist is broken, Alpha." The doctor looked at Sean.

'I'm so dead.' Sean swallowed as he linked to me. I lifted my hand and patted his shoulder sympathetically. Yeah, he was. We healed quickly as werewolves, but that was going to take more than a day so Izabella was definitely going to be seeing it and would be pissed.

"Ash?" I narrowed my eyes as Tamia ran over and knelt down beside him and suddenly Ashton seemed not to care about how much his wrist hurt as he smiled up at her widely.

"Tam, Eli, we're leaving," I said. Sean shot me a smirk and I cursed at him through our link because I couldn't openly flip him off in front of all the kids and pack trainers around us.

"Actually, we're getting lunch, Beta," Sean said. "Well, after I get Ash fixed up." He added.

"We'll meet you in town," I said. "Let's go, guys!" I called to the twins.

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