Chapter 8.

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Chapter 8.



I sat staring at the picture of Jayden and our kids that covered the home screen of my cell phone. We were about an hour from home. If I could act like nothing happened, it would all turn out fine. It was better for everyone. I let out a sigh as I put my phone down. It was going to be okay. Zeke shot me a questioning look but I just shook my head in response.

Carrie wasn't a problem anymore. When I woke up, she was gone. Her bags and everything, gone. Everyone had tried to call her but only reached voicemail. One of the receptionists had said she checked out earlier in the morning, apparently she hadn't worked there after all. Regardless of that and Sean pointing out that he told us something about her was off – specifically saying 'I told you so' about ten times to me, we left without her.

I wanted to be happy about it but thinking about how Jayden would feel and look at me if he ever found out made that impossible. Heck, it made breathing impossible. I couldn't have him be disappointed in me, I couldn't have him doubting us or stop trusting me. Leaving...

I sucked in my breath. Just an hour. I would be back home with my family, and it would be like nothing happened...


"Jayden, calm down, you're making my grandchildren nervous." Joe laughed as I paced back and forth.

I may not have been his biological or adopted son, but Joe really did think of the twins as his grandchildren, and they called him Grandpa because he always referred to me as his son and they just spend that much time they spent with him. Right now, Joe was at Galaxy because he wanted to visit the twins, and we were all at Sean's house because that was where the others would be arriving back.

"I can't! They're almost back! I can feel him getting closer!" The mate pull that linked us made it possible for me to know that without even calling him.

Joe chuckled rolling his eyes at me before he went back to playing with the kids.

"This is the shortest time it's ever taken to find new pack grounds. I have to admit, it's a very impressive job from Antonio." Ian said.

I forced myself to calm down as Tamia gave me a sceptical look, not wanting her to become concerned. She smiled before turning back to playing dolls with Joe, Ashton and Eli. Ashton seemed to be happy to play, as did Joe. Eli was being forced to play because he didn't want to upset his sister or be left out, he looked bored out of his mind and slightly annoyed but kept that hidden in his voice as he asked his sister's doll for more sugar at their tea party.

I chuckled to myself but froze at the sound of tyres outside.

"Sean!" Izabella ran outside. I looked at Ashton to see him look from the open front door to my daughter and back before he shrugged and continued playing. The kid was seven and he was beyond smitten... I felt a little sorry for him... but I was sure Tamia could feel that he was her mate too, she just didn't express it the way he did.

I bit my lip not wanting to make as much of a scene as Izabella, but also very excited about seeing Corey, even though I was desperately trying to hide it.

"Aren't you going to –" Joe was saying when I got tackled into a hug. "Nevermind." I chuckled as Corey held me tightly for a while. The twins were staring at us, not moving from their spots on the carpet.

"I missed you so much. I love you." Corey whispered tightening his already tight grip on me. I furrowed my brows and slowly began to wiggle to pull away from him until I could see his face.

"Are you alright?" He sounded a little drained, looked that way too.

"Yeah, yeah. Just a... Just sick... a little." He said nodding. I narrowed my eyes about to ask what he was hiding because he obviously wasn't being completely honest with me about what was wrong with him.

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