Chapter 27.

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My eyes darted at all the fighting around me. The intruders were retreating because they were losing. They had been so easy to fight off I hadn't even needed to shift, but in the few minutes we had been fighting, I had lost Jayden's pull again.

I turned to try to see who else needed help but paused. Wait. In Sweden, those men had said that they had someone on the inside our pack, that's how they planted the bombs that initially disrupted our pack and destroyed our homes...

"Jason, wait!" I shouted out seeing that Jason was about to kill one of the last of the wolves that were unsuccessful at retreating.

The pair were surrounded by five other wolves from our pack, there was nowhere the wolf that was currently pinned beneath Jason could get away.

Jason's head turned my way curiously. I chuckled at the sight of wet blood on his snout from fighting and well, killing...

"Let's talk, shall we? Jason, move." Jason let out a whine but I frowned at him and he just moved away from the wolf beneath him while letting out a disappointed grunt.

I walked over to them pulling off my jacket before throwing it at the injured wolf.

"Shift," I commanded. He didn't make a move, "Alright, Jason, kill –" I was cut off by a growl from the wolf as he began to shift. As he changed forms, I looked around and noted that all the wolves that had managed to stay alive were gone, no one was fighting anymore. Cowards... When I looked back at the ground in front of me, the remaining intruder was completely human again. "I'll tell you what, uh... What's your name?" I asked. He just stared at me silently defiant.

Just my glancing at the wolves around us had him gulping in terror. He was not exactly in a position to be defiant. "Enzo..." he muttered.

"How old are you? Twenty?" I asked studying him, he nodded, "Right, Enzo. I'm going to need you to answer a few questions before I either let you go or have my men rip you apart. You're young, so I'll assume you want the option to live, right?"

He swallowed again as he sat up, his eyes shifting to Jason beside me and he tensely moved away from him slightly. Jason was still in wolf form, staring menacingly at Enzo as if waiting for the second he was allowed to kill the guy.

"Corey, what are you doing?" I looked up to see Trent, Sean, Marcus and Kaden join us. "Kill him already, why are you prolonging it? We have things to do, people to find." Kaden said.

"Just tying up some loose ends." I shrugged at him before looking back at Enzo, "If you answer this right, I'll let you live. Who are the pack members that helped you?" I asked.

'I can't believe I let that slip.' Sean linked to me in shock.

'You had other things to worry about.' I linked back to him. There had been so much going on lately.

"You'll let me go?" Enzo asked. I nodded. "How do you know I won't lie?"

"I don't. He does; warlock." I pointed at Marcus. "But go ahead and lie just to see if we really would kill you, I dare you." I smiled at him. Jason growled in delight. Wow, he was blood-hungry at the moment. There was plenty of evidence around us in the form of members of his pack who had already been killed that showed that our pack was not exactly in the mood to be gracious.

Enzo swallowed.

"This guy named Tony and someone uh... a woman... I... Her name was uh..." he drifted.

"Carrie?" It was the first name to come into my mind.

"Yes, her. Blonde, pretty one." I rolled my eyes. "C-can I leave now?" he asked.

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