Chapter 30.

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I stumbled through the forest not because I was hurt but because I was incredibly angry and my stomping feet kept getting tangled in trees that were somewhat uprooted. How dare he? How dare he do that to me after everything I've done for us! I am not a bird or a hamster or whatever the hell else gets put in a cage. I clenched my fist. How could he do that to me? And then not even check up on me once afterwards...

I did not want to hurt him, that was the last thing I wanted to do, but he deserved it this time. He deserved punishment for what he did to me – to us. I'd hurt him just a little, just to make him understand what it feels like, and then I would tell him I forgive him, and then we'll be together again, like we're supposed to be.

I let out an annoyed sigh as I pushed my hair from my face but stopped walking when noises drifted through the trees.

"Eli, maybe we should go back." I heard a soft girly voice that made me sick. I hated Eli but hated her so much more. She looked exactly like her Dad, even acted like him. I should have killed her when I had the chance, when Corey was avoiding those children.

"We're too far to go back," Eli replied.

"You mean you don't know where we are, right?" I heard Ashton's annoyed voice.

"Do you? You said it was this way." Eli replied in the same tone. Ashton let out a groan.

"Crap. I'm tired!" He whined.

"I'm hungry." Eli's voice had the same whiny, tired tone to it as his best friend's.

"How are we supposed to find Daddy if we don't know where we are? How's Papa supposed to find us? What if we can't get home?" I heard Tamia sob.

I leaned on a tree gripping it carefully to stay hidden and peeked out at the three children from where I stood. They were in somewhat of a clearing. Maybe... I could kill them now... No one knew where they were, no one would even know I did it.

"Hey, Tammy, it's okay. We'll find him... I don't know how yet, but we will." Eli mumbled patting her shoulders.

My eyes shot up hearing scrambling and I immediately recognised the scent of wolfsbane... on Mike? He had walked right into the clearing, all eyes were on him. I furrowed my brows seeing that he looked somewhat dishevelled, as though he had been running through the trees.

He stared at the trio of children in the centre of the clearing before his eyes fell on Eli who was already fuming at the sight of the older man.

I reached into my pocket and wrapped my fingers around the plastic handle of the platinum knife I had stolen from the safe in Kaden's office. I had gotten it on my way out of that massive Inferno packhouse. I didn't really need a knife, being a wolf with a little bit of magic knowledge, but more protection was never a bad thing living the way I was in the world I was in. Especially protection that would kill any werewolf if it stabbed into their heart. Werewolves didn't heal from platinum.

"You again." Mike smiled at Eli. "Ah, your leg looks better." He chuckled.

"You know him?" Ashton asked Eli who responded with half a nod, his glaring eyes not moving from the older man.

"Where's my Dad?" Eli's voice was angry.

Mike walked forward slowly until he was in front of the kids. "You really want to know, Kiddo?" he asked, his smile gone as he stared directly into Eli's eyes while bending slightly, "He's dead." He said coldly.

I heard Tamia sob as Eli clenched his fist. "You-you're lying." He said through grit teeth, the anger in his voice wavering into trembling fright.

"Am I?" Mike smirked.

Keeping Him (Learning To Love Him book 2) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now