Chapter 1.

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Chapter 1.



"Corey. Corey! COREY!" I groaned sitting up in bed, no longer able to ignore the man that was rapidly shaking my shoulders to ruin my sleep.

"What do you want?" I hissed at Jayden while running my hands over my eyes to clear them.

What time was it? It felt like it was so early in the morning. Once my vision was cleared, I moved my gaze to my mate. Jayden looked frantic and it immediately made me perk up with concern, suddenly completely awake, that was until he spoke again, "I-I can't find — I can't find Eli anywhere." I frowned at him for a few seconds before dropping back into our bed and pulling the covers over my head. For a second there I really thought something was wrong, damn Jayden and his ability to make me panic at the slightest sound of worry in his voice. "Corey!"

"Babe, I've had a long week. I haven't slept at all. Please, please just let me sleep." I groaned letting out a heavy sigh while shutting my eyes.

"Corey! I'm not — I'm not kidding. I can't find him."

The fear in Jayden's voice made me sit up again and look at him as he stared back at me with panic-stricken brown eyes that made my heart clench. Letting out a deep sigh, I tilted my head at him and spoke calmly.

"Jayden, Teddy..." The nickname made him smile which subsequently made me do the same, "Have you looked in the basement?" I smirked as his eyes fell to the floor.

"Why... Uhm... why would he be in the basement? It's dark down there..." He mumbled. I chuckled at how cute he looked standing there and studying the wood beneath his feet. It was hard to believe we were so much older when he still acted like a child sometimes.

"Because he takes after me and he isn't a wimp like you are, Dad." He shot me a glare and I chuckled. "I love you." I fell back into bed but instantly jumped out when I landed on something effectively making it let out a scream. "Tamia! What —?!" Jayden laughed as our seven-year-old little girl smiled up at me innocently.

I let out a groan and turned to tickle her as punishment for interrupting my sleep, evoking giggles and cries of happy agony from her. The one day I get off work, but sleep wasn't in the cards for me, was it? I guess my sorrow could be numbed by being around the adorable weirdoes I called my family.

"I'll get Eli," Jayden announced walking out.

"You sure you don't need me to hold your hand?" The question earned me another fiery glare before he disappeared into the hall and I laughed, "Come here, sneaky Princess." I grabbed our daughter and lifted her out of the bed.

Jayden and I had been together for almost nine years. I had taken over from Sean's dad and was now Beta of our pack, Sean was the Alpha. It was a lot of work, as I had expected but it was ridiculous sometimes. Sean and I barely slept because of work, pack meetings and duties, add Jayden and our twins and I was basically the living dead at the moment. Jayden joked that I even sounded like it when I had to get out of bed in the morning.

"Papa?" My focus was aimed down at Tamia as she looked up at me with big, brown eyes identical to Jayden's.

"Yes, Baby?" I asked kissing her forehead.

We had them through surrogate. Being werewolves, the gestation period was only a few weeks before they were born. After a few weeks of hell at the sudden realisation that I would literally be responsible for a pair of lives, Jayden had found my fear both funny and annoying. We had planned to have kids for a year before we actually made it happen and after the initial panic, it was quite amazing being with them... despite the lack of sleep they gave us.

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