Chapter 20.

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"I can't believe we just killed them all, I thought we went there to talk out some kind of solution –" Sean was saying.

"We tried that, it didn't work. Why are you even worried about this? Their packs have no leadership now and have realised they cannot win; we don't have to worry about them anymore." I said before letting out a sigh as I ran my hand through my hair nervously.

My phone was dead, as was Sean's, we had just gotten off our flight back home and I couldn't shake the feeling that something was wrong. Surprisingly, Sean had the exact same feeling so we were rushing to get back.

"We need to get to a phone," he said walking by me. We walked through the airport and found some telephone booths. "You do it," he handed me the phone. I gave him a questioning stare before chuckling in realisation.

"Izzy's still mad at you?" I asked.

"I don't know how to deal with her sometimes, I've said sorry, and Ashton loves his arm brace... He won't even take it off now even though he's healed." I laughed dialling Jayden's number. It barely had a chance to ring before it was answered. "Babe, we're back." I smiled almost forgetting about his worrying in the last call; I was just excited to hear his voice again, "You answered so fast, is everything alright?"

"Hey." My smile fell and Sean raised his brows at me as Carrie's voice came through the phone. I frowned having not expected to hear her voice, but I was too disappointed by the fact that it wasn't Jayden's to care about what she'd done and be angry about it again.

"Where's Jayden? Why did you have his phone?"

"Is-is that Corey?" I heard Izabella, she sounded afraid and it made me realise there was buzzing activity and other voices around them.

"Give the phone to Izabella." I heard shuffling and was glad Carrie hadn't argued, "Why does she have Jayden's phone and why is there so much noise over there? Did you guys make Jayden have a party at our house or something?" I asked frowning. Though Jayden was a lot more people-friendly than he used to be, he hated pack gatherings and parties that weren't small and I hated how uncomfortable those situations made him so tried to keep it at the bare minimum.

"We're at Inferno, Corey. We've been trying to reach you guys. There-there was no attack, it blew up half the pack houses, I don't know how the bombs got there and we –" she was saying.

"Is everyone alright? Casualties?" I cut her off looking at Sean; his face was a mixture of shock and anger.

"We don't know yet. Kaden's gone over there with some of our Deltas and soldiers to check it out. Corey, how quickly can you guys get here?" she asked.

"It's a ten minute run for us," Sean replied.

"You didn't answer my question, why does Carrie have Jayden's phone? Where is he?" I asked.

"Ten minutes. I love you guys." She hung up.

I glared at the phone as I put it down, worst-case scenarios instantly filling my mind. Why didn't she answer the question?


I hurriedly walked into the Inferno packhouse with Sean right by my side matching my urgent pace. We exchanged glances deciding to find our Deltas first and find out what the hell happened, though I was going to check Jayden's old room to find my mate first but before I could even step forward before someone stopped me.

"Corey –" I looked down surprised as Jayden's mother's arms locked around my neck tightly.

I dropped my bags and hugged her back quickly. My mind raced with questions because of how she hugged me. Was she sniffing? Had she been crying? What the hell was going on?

Keeping Him (Learning To Love Him book 2) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now