Chapter 7.

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Chapter 7.



I stood outside of Marcus's house and sighed as I pulled out my phone. If I didn't tell Jayden I would drown in guilt, but if I did he would think it was more than it was because that's how he was. I didn't want him thinking anything of it, but it was Jayden. He over-thought everything. I scrolled down to his name. I wanted to hear his voice so badly but knew that if he heard me he would know I did something wrong and then I would have to tell him. I decided to text him instead. It was fine. I would see him in a day... tell him and maybe I could forget the kiss happened.

I scowled at myself softly. Yeah, right. He wouldn't let us forget it.

"Corey?" I froze as Carrie's voice sounded behind me and immediately considered leaving. "Wait. Look, I'm sorry, I'm so sor –" she was saying.

"No, no. Stop, Carrie." I turned to her lifting my hands, "We were both drunk, it wasn't just you. I... yeah... You don't have to apologise." I said to her reassuringly, though still feeling awkward about speaking to her. "Please don't tell anyone," I added giving her a desperate smile.

"Of course not. You have my word, Button-Head." She replied holding out her arms. I chuckled and hugged her. It did not feel as weird as I thought it would, it was like hugging any other friend. "Well, it's late... so I'm going to head back to the hotel." She said.

"Alone?" I asked raising my eyebrows. It was almost nine at night.

She rolled her eyes. "I'm a werewolf too, you know. I can take care of myself." She replied giving me a teasing smile.

I chuckled before I yawned and she laughed.

"Maybe you should join me." She said.

"I probably should." I nodded chuckling.

I headed inside to say goodbye to Bianca and Marcus and tell the others I would be at the hotel if they needed me before meeting Carrie outside again.

We walked back to the hotel mostly making small talk about everything we saw around us. The little town was built quite interestingly, it wasn't modern at all and all the new buildings were created to mimic the older ones, I loved that and knew Jayden would too. He loved vintage things and loved all things art. I made a mental note to visit with Jayden and the kids some time, Marcus and Bianca had mentioned that they would love to see the twins. Though, I doubted Eli would be very excited to come seeing the lack of outrageously dangerous (or as our son would say, 'fun') activities in the town...

"I'll see you tomorrow." I said as we reached my room, "Or should I walk you first?" I added looking at her as I unlocked my room, she was right next door. She laughed.

"You're such a gentleman, Corey." She said sarcastically. I chuckled. "Why don't we hang out while we wait for everyone else to come back?" she asked.

"I'm really tired, Carrie," I said truthfully. I hadn't had any sleep after what happened and had spent all day awake and driving. Also, I didn't feel too comfortable being close to her after what happened.

"Come on, just a few drinks." She said.

"Ah, drinks. You certainly became the alcoholic." I pointed at her.

"From your stories, you're not much better." I laughed at her reply.

"True. Fine." I opened my door and looked down at her as she walked into my room pulling off her coat.

She was wearing a red dress that reached just above her knees and a pair of black heels. I had told her Marcus and Bianca were just our friends so it didn't matter what we looked like but she seemed like the type to dress to impress regardless of the situation. I had to say, she looked really good. I followed her into my room and shut the door behind me before pulling off my jacket. My choice in clothing didn't come close to Carrie's, I mean, it was Marcus. I sat on his kitchen counters, ate all his food and looked through his personal belongings for entertainment, we were pretty comfortable with each other. In fact, he would probably argue that we were too comfortable with each other, so there was really no need for anything close to a suit around him.

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