Chapter 5.

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Chapter 5.



"Corey, we need to get this done so we can get home. Can you turn your fucking Beta on right now?" Sean snapped at me as he walked into my hotel room.

I looked up from the TV, sitting up on my bed and rolled my eyes at him while he glared back at me.

"Sean, relax," I chuckled, "This is the first time off we've had in nearly ten years." I said.

"Yeah, that's where you're wrong. This is not time off, Corey. This is very important work." He said before looking beside me, his face going sour, "What are you doing here?" He asked Carrie.

"We're hanging out, catching up," I answered.

"Oh, you're catching up?" He chuckled humourlessly, "I thought you'd done that last night, you know, when you told her everything about Jayden's past." I lowered my brows at him despite feeling my heart sink.

"Oookay, this is getting very awkward very fast." Carrie got up grabbing her coat, "I'll see you later," she kissed my cheek lightly, gave Sean a smile that he didn't even try to return before walking out as he just stared at her with blatant distaste.

"What the hell was that?" I looked at Sean as I got up and pulled a shirt on, I hadn't been out of the room yet so I hadn't really had a reason to get dressed.

"You tell me." He glared at me. "Get dressed, we have work to do."

He left before I could say anything and I frowned at the door. What was his problem? I hadn't seen her in twenty years, we had a lot to talk about. He should have been happy to see her too, he had known her back then as well. He was so full of crap sometimes. I sighed shaking my head and headed towards the bathroom to clean myself up.


"This place looks amazing," I said running my eyes over the trees that surrounded us.

"I know, right?" Sean smiled.

We had gotten over whatever we were mad about in my room by giving each other a nod and continuing with what we were doing. Personal issues never got in the way of our working together.

"But building in this, I would hate to cut anything down..." I mumbled frowning as I ran my eyes over the trees.

"We won't need to. There are spots of openings all over this place where we could build; we'd be completely hidden by the trees." Antonio said. The thought of that made my wolf incredibly excited. I smiled widely.

"The pack would love this place." I certainly did.

"I think so too. Let's have a closer look." Sean said pulling his shirt off.

"What, right now? What if there are other packs here?" Keisha asked.

"Steer clear of any foreign scents," Sean said discarding his pants before he shifted.

I chuckled watching as the massive wolf that was Sean rolled on the grass a few times before he disappeared into the trees, growling at us to follow.

"Ah, looks like fun –" Zeke was the next to shift.

As everyone began shifting, I threw their clothing into the car before I discarded my own and shifted. It didn't hurt at all as shifting only hurt the first few times it was performed. I followed my team's scents through the trees until a new scent suddenly caught my attention, the others seemed to notice it as well because they stopped in their tracks and sniffed the air more.

'I guess we'll have neighbours?' Antonio growled.

'There can't be much of them, we would have noticed earlier if they were a larger pack,' I growled looking around.

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