Chapter 24.

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I sat in the corner of my cage staring at the wall barely able to move as every part of my body hurt. The only thing I could still smell was my own blood and I regretted challenging my father a couple of days ago, especially since he had a knife in his hand. I had been so stupid, should have thought before attacking him; took the loss instead and maybe had a better chance of escaping while in slightly better condition. He would probably still have beat me up if I had not fought back, but it would not have been to the same extent. I knew him though, he got bored when I didn't fight back, but he also got angrier and it built up into worse later on. I grunted moving my knees higher against my chest and rested my forehead on them while trying to focus on my breathing and not the aching in my chest and everywhere else.

Just focus. What next?

I held my breath to stop breathing in order to stop the pain in my chest for a few seconds. I could take it. It was worth keeping my father entertained by my fighting because I knew I soon as I stopped fighting he would look for someone who would not.


I clenched my teeth. Not knowing how my son was, what he was going through, that hurt more than any bruise, burn, or cut did.

I shut my eyes and felt slight anger at myself as I thought of how when I was younger, it was so much easier. The pain and fear now didn't compare to that, there was so much more to lose, so much more to hurt me with... I was pissed at myself for wishing, even though it was just a spec of me for just a moment, that I could go back to that. But if I had that choice...

The present just felt so much worse.

If I hadn't killed my father, if I'd just let Corey wish for new mates for us, no one else would be getting hurt. No one.

I sunk against the wall. Was he even looking?

He definitely was, for Eli... But for me? After everything that had happened?

He had probably fallen for her...

Did it matter anymore? No... What mattered if that whether he was looking for both of us or not, he had better succeed in finding Eli. If I died in the cage I was currently in, I would be content as long as my son was safe. I hated not being able to help him. He was probably not far away and I still couldn't get to him, couldn't help him. I hated how weak I was. He would have been better off with someone else as a parent... Someone who could protect him and Tamia like they deserved to be protected.

I didn't even move as I heard the door unlock, the click echoing through the empty room. I was too tired, it was impossible to sleep with the amount of worry in my chest.

I shut my eyes tightly and clenched my jaw feeling fear course through me as footsteps echoed into the room. I didn't know how much more I could take, they wanted me to break and I was pretty close, but for Eli I had to keep them occupied.



I ran my hand over Tamia's curly hair gently, being careful and quiet enough not to wake her or Eli. Resting my palm on her forehead made me frown at how hot it was and I quickly grabbed a cold, wet towel to wipe the beads of sweat from her face.

She was so sick and no one could tell me what was wrong with her. My eyes shifted to her brother who was sleeping on the other side of the bed, right beside her with Ashton beside him. They seemed to realise that she needed some air.

Looking back at Tamia made me bite the inside of my cheek as a knot grew in my throat. I had known she was sick, I just didn't see her when she was awake. I couldn't... it was wrong, but I couldn't bring myself to. I leaned down and planted a soft kiss on her temple before ruffling Eli's hair gently because he was too far to reach.

Keeping Him (Learning To Love Him book 2) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now