Chapter 28.

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"If it becomes too much, if you feel..." I was staring at Marcus as he spoke but found myself barely hearing a word he was saying because all I wanted him to do was stop talking and get started.

My hands were sweating, my head a mess of thoughts, while my heart raced in anticipation. I needed him back. I needed him back today.

"Corey, listen to me, damnit!" I blinked as Marcus shook me by my shoulders and looked up at him. His eyes burnt back into mine, so intense they were turning black as if he was about to shift. I furrowed my brows questioningly and he gave a frustrated breath through his nose. "If, at any moment, you feel like you're going to pass out, if the pain becomes too much to handle, don't push it. Tell me. We will figure something else out, but you need to stay alive for us to find him." He said.

I nodded, though half of what he said had already been forgotten because I was mostly just blankly watching his narrowed eyes. It was this or nothing. I wasn't going to waste any more time.

I knew Jayden was still alive, but I also knew how his mind worked. They had definitely gotten to him by now. He probably thought I wasn't coming, probably had it in his head he did not deserve to be helped, he probably cared more about the fact that I wasn't there to see him get hurt again than about whether he would be alright, he was probably grateful about it. I had no doubt he had given up... even if he had tried not to, he was easy to break. No matter how strong he had gotten, he was still very vulnerable and easy to break. They knew that, they would be messing with his head... and everything else...

"Corey, concentrate." Sean's hand smacked my back lightly, snapping me from my thoughts.


"Alright." I took in a deep breath trying to ground and calm myself. That was my game plan: stop worrying about him long enough to find him, then worry some more.

My kids were with my and Jay's mothers. I was happy to see the twins talking, even though it was just one-word answers to anyone but me. When they spoke to me, they usually ended up in tears, and I had to force myself to look strong for their sake. I hated how everything was affecting them, another reason Jayden had to be back urgently; it was killing our kids that he was not back yet.

"Alright, focus on him, but don't focus on worry, just finding him," Marcus instructed.

I nodded sighing as I shut my eyes and focused on my mate, letting Marcus's voice drift from my focus as he began to mutter the spell. The first thing in my mind was Jayden's fearful face and it immediately began to make me worry so I pushed that memory away fast and thought about his smile instead, and then his laugh. I felt myself smile as I played over his laughter, the innocent face he would make when he fed our kids treats that he knew I would not be happy about because he knew it was bad for them, the annoyed look on his face when I was being 'too rough' with our kids and the sometimes dumbfounded way he stared at me when he thought I was being surprisingly stupid. The last one almost made me laugh despite what was going on.

My heart began to pick up, in adrenaline caused by feeling him and also painfully hammering against my chest because I knew he was so far away.

I let out a gasp as a massive shock suddenly pierced through my head igniting a terrible pain throughout it.

"Corey?" Sean spoke.

I lifted my hands to my head, squeezing from either side. It felt like my brain was about to explode, and it got worse when a terrible screeching started up that I was sure was coming from inside.

But with all of that pain came our pull, and though I could barely feel it, it was enough to keep me from telling Marcus to end the spell.

"Marcus, stop –" I heard Zeke.

Keeping Him (Learning To Love Him book 2) (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now