Chapter 18 - Friends

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I couldn't say no to her and now I was planning a birthday party from hell. Wonderful. Of course, there was no-one else to blame but myself, but I had agreed so that Alex could know how trust-worthy of a friend I was. That is if he wanted a birthday party. If he didn't want one and I surprise him with one, it would show how untrustworthy of a friend I was.

As Stacy started planning out loud, I cautiously cleared my throat, "um, I'm not saying that I'm not for the idea, but, how do we know that Alex actually wants a birthday party?"

"Aha!" She pointed at me, "that's where you come in!"

I stare at her, dumbfounded, "what do you mean?"

"You're Alex's best friend, right?" Was I? Obviously my feelings for him exceeded the 'best friend' zone but it was a surprise to hear that to other people Alex and I were best friends. It scared me yet excited me at the same time. It scared me because I was dragging Alex down, maybe he would be happier with another group of friends while I was here weighing him down with my problems. Yet it excited me that people recognised me and could no longer call me a 'loner', which confused me because I always thought that I didn't like anybody and that their opinions didn't matter.

"So drop subtle hints to him, remember, subtle! I know you boys cannot be subtle but at least try, it's for Alex, remember?" Somehow she knew exactly what to say, after all, this was all for Alex. I wanted him to know that he could trust me and he could tell me anything.

"Subtle hints about what?"

Stacy looked thoughtful, "well, you can talk about social gatherings! You can ask him if he likes crowded events or more peaceful, of if he's been to any parties in the past that he's particularly liked."

"Yeah, I'll be sure to ask him...," I was thinking about Alex again and this time I felt the sadness inside of me again. We hadn't talked since I had told him about my past, maybe he thought I was ignoring him? I didn't want to be dependent of Alex, I had gone for years being on my own, but since Alex had came into my life everything seemed to be turning around. I no longer spent the days wishing for sweet silence that could only be given by death, now I lived to see Alex's smile and hear his laugh. That wasn't healthy.

"Good, make sure you don't forget!" Stacy sounded chirpy, "oh! We also have to get Alex to meet my friends!" She saw my doubtful expression and she let out a small burst of laughter, "no, no, not those friends in school! My friends outside of school!" She turned hesitant and leaned in, her voice dropped to a whisper, "can I tell you something? I don't actually like many of the people I'm supposedly friends with, but that's a secret, okay?" She smiled at me and returned to her drink.

That was news to me. I always assumed that popular people were all close friends and held no secrets from each other because no-one else mattered to them. Then again, Stacy always seemed different.

"Well, if you don't like them, why are you friends with them?"

Stacy seemed embarrassed, "well, I've been friends with them since I was small, so my parents always expect me to hang out with them. Don't get me wrong, I do like them sometimes! It's just, it gets boring hearing the same thing over and over again, and besides, people who hang out with Jame think they're royalty, that includes my friends because they're friends with him. They don't seem to realise that all of this will end soon, I'm getting quite excited to see reality slap them in the face," I laughed and Stacy smiled, "besides, I don't like Jame. He lives off of people's unhappiness and he makes fun of everyone, popular or not, he treats his friends like idiots yet they all respect him like he's their God!" She rolls her eyes, "and he treats you horribly," I tensed up, she seemed to notice so she changed the subject, "but behind it all he's just a small boy begging for attention, he'd do anything for fame."

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