Chapter 12 - Uncertain

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I backed out of the room and sloppily closed the door, my mind was a mess, I had no idea what to make of the situation.

All I knew was that my brother was keeping a knife in his pillow-case, sure, my brother's a chef, but all of his cutlery is either in the kitchen or one of the drawers in his room, but a sharp knife in his pillow case? He didn't want me to see it, I knew that, his panicky tone had told me that.

What should I do? Should I ask? Or should I brush it off as nothing unusual? No. I couldn't, but I couldn't ask either, I had a strong gut feeling and it was making me uncomfortable.

I walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch in front of the TV, Ace sat down next to me, he handed me a controller and I glanced down at it, mildly puzzled.

"Oh, come on! Surely you know what to do with it!" I looked up to see Ace laughing at me.

"I so do! I'm just..." I struggled to think of a good excuse as to why I was zoned out, "I'm just a little tired, it's been a hectic day."

Ace sighed a little and lightly punched my shoulder, "It sure has. Come on, let's play a couple rounds of this and then you can go to bed."

The corners of my mouth twitched up in a weak smile, "Yeah, okay. What are we playing?" I looked up at the TV, I let out a burst of laughter, "Really? A car racing game?"

He punched me a little hard this time, "Hey! Shut up! Car racing games are awesome!"

I stuck my tongue out at him, "Yeah, suuuure! Awesome for nerds, you mean."

"If you repeat that I will call the wind and make it bitch slap you to death." He said, a little sulkily. I just laughed.

"Okay, come on, let's start this."

We both chose our car models and chose the track to play on, Ace won the first 3 times, but by then I had picked up on the technique and won 2 games, on the last round Ace had to put all of his concentration into it to actually win.

He turned the console off and stretched. "Okay, come on, time for beddie-bies!"

I nodded, chuckling a little, and then I remembered why I was feeling so confused and I stayed frozen.

"Nate? Natie? What's up?"

My mind raced and I stood up sheepishly.

"Um... Well... I just really, really need to use the bathroom!" I said, standing up so fast that my head spun. I had just lied to him, my half-brother. Why did I lie? I didn't know, but I just knew I couldn't ask him about the knife, I had a gut feeling and it caused my stomach to ache and my head to pound.
Ace chuckled, "Wow, you do sound really desperate! Go and pee and I'll put some clothes in your room that you can change into."

I nodded and gave him a weak smile, "Okay then, thanks." I walked into the bathroom, trying to ignore the curious stare following me.

I shut the door and locked it and the collapsed onto the toilet seat.

Why had I lied? Why did I have such an uncomfortable feeling deep inside my stomach? Why couldn't I ask Ace about that knife? What was it doing there in the first place?

I couldn't answer any of my questions, and I couldn't ask them to Ace either. I was stuck and I had no clue what to do. What could I do?

I sighed and stood up, I decided to think about it in the morning, I was tired enough as it was.

I finished using the toilet, I washed my hands in the basin and splashed cold water on my face. I knew I needed to talk to someone, but who? Who would listen to me? Dad was a no-no, I don't think he even remembered who Ace was, I couldn't ask Stacy, I mean I had only actually talked to her today and apparently she had a crush on me, so it would be awkward going up to her and talking to her about something so personal when she barely knew me. Well, there was only one person left.

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