Chapter 25 - Reveal

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I chased thoughts of Alex and the kiss-that-almost-was-but-wasn't out of my head as I stood outside the front door. I pulled out my key and took a deep breath before twisting the lock open.

The house wasn't stuffy but my body felt like it was overheating, the running had done nothing but made my lungs constrict. I somehow felt more trapped than I had before.

"Dad," I managed to call out in a shaky voice, "dad!" I cried out again and then ran upstairs without taking my shoes off, I hoped the mud clinging to the bottom of my shoes wouldn't leave stains.

I made no haste in opening the door to his room, he was sitting up in bed with his thick glasses on, frowning whilst pointing at words in a book. He looked up in shock as the door crashed against the wall.

"N-Nate?" His voice sounded rusty again, but at least he was still talking and going back to reading.

"Dad," I closed the door behind me, "I need to talk to you about Ace."

I saw his look of hatred and reluctance and I knew I needed to tell him what I had seen, "well, I was at Al...," I trailed off, Alex suddenly sprung to my mind and shame filled my core as I pictured him sitting in the same position - not understanding why I left and why I tried to kiss him. I was an idiot.

"A friend's house and I saw a wanted man on the news," I tried to recollect the image of what I had seen, "a white man, slightly overweight, mid-thirties maybe, beard and moustache stubble and wears black...," I gouged his face for any sign of reaction but when I found none the last piece of information I was withholding burst forth, "and he is wanted for suspicion of suicides in Midtown. Where we used to live."

Dad's face drained of its pale pink and was replaced with green-tinged white and I rushed to his bedside and clasped his hand.

"I know that he's the same man that tried to visit Ace. The same man that Ace might be borrowing off. If he's involved with the suicides, and Ace definitely is, that means they're working together! Dad, I need to know more!"

The information pieced itself together and found its way out of my mouth, I was surprised but pleased it all made sense but dismayed when dad shook his head with a sorrowful expression on his face.

"Can't," he got out, "it 'ill hurt you," he squeezed my hand and I took pride in noticing that his grip wasn't weak.

"Please, dad," I begged, desperate, "Ace wants to hurt me and I don't know why. I think he might hurt my friends and you! I can't lose my family! I can't lose my friends! I can't lose Alex!" I was unaware my mouth had taken over and was spouting out my deepest thoughts, my eyes were teaming with tears and they had overspilled and flooding my skin.

Dad looked pained before letting out a small gasp, "D-don't let him hurt you. I will tell you a-all I know, but you need rest," it all caught up to me and suddenly I felt exhausted.

Dad cupped my face with his rough hand, although it felt smooth and warm on my skin, I leant into his touch and smiled, "okay, dad. As long as you rest," I stood up and made my way over to the door.

"Love you," he smiled back at me, although his face looked pained.

"Love you, too," I replied, shutting the door behind me.

Everything seemed hazy. I rang the doctor and informed him about dad's recovery - a thought that seemed to have slipped my mind - I also informed him of my wish to have a therapist and he told me that I would need a guardian or career to give me a permission slip before I applied for one, and due to dad not being in 'the right state' and my only other guardian was a murderer, I had to face the fact that I would have to remain broken for a little while longer.

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