Chapter 6 - Concern

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Dinner was nice, he cooked the pasta, since I failed at pouring water into the cup. He also cooked the sauce. We ate in the living room watching a Simpson's re-run on the TV, I hadn't done anything like this, it felt normal, I wasn't a freak who was scum to everybody else with a useless father, I was a normal person with a normal friend doing normal things. I liked it.

We played a few games on his Xbox, I didn't have one at home, so he laughed at my failed attempts on Assassins Creed and GTA.

Soon it was past midnight.

"Where's your dad?" I asked, putting down my controller as Alex turned off the Xbox.

He shrugged. "In a hotel, probably, he and mum usually rent out the same room."

I nodded, his parents were still together then, it seemed like a little dysfunctional family, though I couldn't really judge.

"So... I didn't know I was gonna be here, so I didn't bring anything to wear..."

Alex turned away. "There's probably something in that drawer over there." He mumbled gesturing, "pick anything you like."

"Thanks... Where should I-"

"You can get changed in the bathroom, it's across the hall."

"OK, thanks."

I opened the drawer, he was only a size bigger than me, so it was going to be much of a problem to find something that fitted, I picked the pants, the only t-shirts he had were short-sleeved.

I bit my lip. The scars.

I left the t-shirt, deciding on the long sleeved one I was wearing now, would be fine.

I entered the bathroom and locked the door, the pants fit me fine, they were just a little long and loose, but the top was too tight to sleep in. I still had the bandage on from yesterday, I sighed in irritation, unravelling it. It looked red and angry. I had to stop myself from crying, I didn't know why.

I knocked on his door and entered the room, he was already changed.

"Uh... Do you have a trash can and any long sleeved pyjama tops?" I asked, looking at the carpet.


He looked at what I was holding in my hand.


I continued to stare down.

"It isn't new just now! It was yesterday-"

"Yesterday! W-why? Because of-? Oh God, did I-?"

"No!" I grabbed him by the shoulders.

"No, you didn't do it... I just..."

"Nate... C-can I... See?"

My eyes widened. I pulled my hands away.

"W-why do you want too-?"

He put his head on my shoulder.

"I... Just, please."

My eyes had started to prick again and I wasn't sure why Alex was affecting me so much. Why did he care so much about a stranger? I was a stranger to him and yet he knew what no one else knew and had accepted me.

I took a deep breath, "okay."

I slowly pulled up my sleeves and turned my arms around for him to see.

I heard a small intake of breath before he gently took my arms and carefully traced the silvery scars.

"I... When did you do all these?"

I shrugged. "In art class."

His head snapped up and his eyes pierced into mine.

"Nate, don't joke about this! Why? I don't want you to hurt yourself anymore! This is serious! It's getting closer and closer to your vein! Do you want to die? Because, I don't want you to die! If you did... I wouldn't know what to do! Please, please..."

I blinked at his sudden outburst. His head was resting on my shoulder again, lightly.

"I-I... No offence... But, why do you care about me so much?"

No answer.

"Promise me... Promise me... Nate! Promise me, you won't do it!"

I stared at him. "I... I promise, Alex." The words that came out of my mouth ensnared my heart. I had promised Alex not to cut, but what did my promise mean? It was just words so why in that moment did I feel it was something more?

His arms wrapped around my waist. It was so warm, my eyelids were getting heavier.

"So.. I'm tired, where will I sleep?"

He chuckled. "With me of course."

"What?" I choked out.

He pulled away, laughing.

"Joking! But its ganna be cold tonight."

I was cold right now with my long sleeved top on.

"Fine. But just this one time! You're warm.

He blinked. "R-really? It was just a joke."

"But I'm serious." I replied stubbornly.

He looked away, walking towards the light switch.

"Well, if you insist, get in then."

"Are you OK?" I said as I clambered into his bed.

His turned the light out, the room was shrouded in darkness.

"I'm fine! Just a little cold."

"Hurry up! I'm cold as well, warm me up human radiator!"

He laughed. I could hear his feet on the carpet, the bed sunk under his weight, the covers shifted, I could feel his breath on my neck.

Silence. I closed my eyes, trying to find sleep.


I groaned.

"I'm... A little cold, can... Can I hug you?"

I groaned again.

Arms were wrapped around my waist, my back was met with another object, and I could feel his mouth in my hair. I put my hands on his hands.

"Warm..." I muttered.


He hugged me closer.

"Yeah... It is."


I finally managed to update!! OMG!! Thank you so much for all the votes and comments!! I am so glad you like the story, I'll update again soon, I love this story and I have more chapters written. WOO-HOO!!! See ya~

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