Chapter 11 - Knife

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Chapter 11

The car ride back to Ace's house was filled with conversation, the talks were random, though I couldn't say they were meaningless. I found out lots of things about him, for example: his favourite colour was blue, he found his car in a scrap yard and fixed it up himself ("which explains why it is so crappy looking"), he doesn't like horror movies because the effects are cheesy and his favourite pizza toppings were cheese and tomato (like mine, I noted.)

Even though these small tibits of information were not enough to fill up the years of separation, it was comforting to know that some things hadn't changed. Like the way his nose crinkled when he laughed, and the way his eyes remained still when he was being serious.

I found it fairly relaxing.

When we had opened the door to his apartment, a blast of cold air hit my face.

"See? Did you see that? The wind bitch slapped me? You can't say that it's not true!" I exclaimed, jumping up and down with glee.

He smiled and rolled eyes, ruffling my hair. "Calm down, shortie-pie, you'll disturb the neighbours." He pushed me inside and shut the door behind him, taking off his shoes and coat.

I slipped my shoes off. "I'm not that short." I mumbled under my breath.

He smirked. "Right. Of course."

I glared at him. "I don't appreciate your sarcasm!"

"I don't appreciate your rudeness! I might just throw you out in the hallway!"

I stuck my tongue out at him. "I don't like you."

He just laughed. "Right, come on, Nate, let's go and play some Xbox!"

My face drooped. "What's wrong, little one? Afraid of getting your ass kicked?"

He read my mind. Again.

"Sh-shut the front door! Your just afraid of getting your butt kicked by someone who's smaller than you! And actually I've played the Xbox before, and I wasn't that bad! Sooo, ha!"

I smirked triumphantly and stalked over to the couch, I sat on it and was immediatly swallowed by the fluffy marshmallow.

"You don't have an Xbox, Nate."

I tried to unstick myself from the couch, but my attempts were futile.

"Hm? Yeah, I know I don't, I went round Alex's one day, and he had one, so we played on it together."

The couch was determined to keep me prisoner.

"Oh, really?"

Suddenly he was sitting next to me, he had moved so fast I hadn't even realised it.

"Dayum, you move fast." I said, finally bouncing up from the couch.

Ace smiled at me. My heart stood still. What was this feeling? I couldn't place it. That smile, or whatever it was, it didn't look... Right. It looked out of place. This feeling didn't feel good, it was unsettling.

I glanced at the couch, my body frozen.

"Say, Nate."

"Yes!" I said, a little too quickly. He looked shocked at my forwardness.

He slid off the couch and crouched down to start fiddling with the Xbox system.

"Um, my Xbox games are in my room, go and choose one while I set it up here."

"Sure." I said awkwardly. My body still held the feeling, it was uncomfortable. I didn't like it.

I walked to his room, casually glancing over my shoulder to see him working on the Xbox.

When I was in his room, I shut the door behind me, partly because it was warm in there and I didn't want the cold air getting in and also partly because of some reason, I didn't want him sneaking in behind me.

I shivered involuntarily. What was going on? I was uncomfortable and had no idea why, my brain was numb and my heart was working overtime, this wasn't a happy feeling, it didn't make me feel warm or make me glow, it didn't make me feel like how I felt when I was with Ale-

No. Nope. I didn't think that. Not at all.

I just had to figure out what this feeling was, and for whatever reason, I had to figure it out soon.

I glanced around the room. The curtains were open, but it was dark outside and no light was being let in. I walked over to the set of drawers next to his bed and opened it, books, books, DS, DS games, manuals for games, recipes, cookbooks... No Xbox games.

I opened the second drawer down, recipes, spare spoons, forks and small blunt knifes, there was also some flour in there but there were no Xbox games. In the third drawer it was relatively the same thing.

"Ah! Nate, get out of there!" A voice made me jump, and the shiver came back. My mind was racing.

"Wha? W-why?" I stuttered.

"B-because, I found the games!" There was slight panic in his voice.

"If they were there then why did you send me in here?" I asked, ignoring the panic in my veins. I walked over to the door.

"Duh. Cuz I thought I left them in there." The door opened, and light cast in.

He smiled down at me. Not the smile from before, so why did I still have this feeling?

Hastily, I smiled back at him.

"Come on." He said, gesturing. "Let's go back and play some games."

I threw a glance over my shoulder. Only to be met with an odd shine in the corner of his pillow. The light had hit something and was shining back into my eyes.

Panic was replaced by worry. Just what the hell was going on?

"Are you just ganna stand there, Nate? Or are you ganna get your ass over here?" He called at me, laughing.

"I-I'm coming!" I called back, trying to disguise any emotion.

The light disapeared, and so did the shining.

"Well, we are ganna play Xbox in the dark, so come back over here and make sure not to fall over anything with your clumsy feet."

I scowled at him. The worry was still there.

That was a knife, the light was bouncing off a knife.

Just what the hell was a knife doing in my step-brothers pillow case?

What was he doing with it in the first place?

Authors note:

Woohoo! Chapter 11! Thank you so much for the votes, follows and comments! You guys give me the motivation to keep writing!!

And since it's the holidays, I'd thought I'd give you an update! Sorry if it's bad, I haven't edited it yet!

Anywaysss, I hope you enjoy this chapter and I will update as soon as I can!!! Thank you!!

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