Part 1

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"Welcome to the RedBull family. We're glad we can have you here." He says, while shaking my hand. 

"Thank you so much." I reply, sitting back down in my seat. I try and stabilise my body and reduce the shaking, but I feel so nervous being in this office I think I might throw up. I slowly grab my hand and run it down my leg, removing any sweat that's just been produced in the last 30 seconds. My breathing is all I can hear right now. 

Christian nods, sipping on his coffee mug, conveniently branded with the F1 team I just joined. I've been a regular with the family in the first place, after just completing my 3rd internship with them over the span of the last 3 summers. I've been travelling with the team, creating content for them and now is my chance to finally be here full time in a paid position. Not a lot of people know me, however, because I'm usually in the back with a camera with my manager telling me what to do.

"So, you're a communication partner. I'll assign you to Max for now, just to get everything going. You guys are both young, so you'll get along great. I have no doubt you've already met him before, due to your previous experience." 
He opens his drawer in his desk, pulls out a laptop case with some weight inside, and my first RedBull team shirt. He also passes me my lanyard. 

'POPPY EASTON - Communications Partner' is written on the back of it. 

"You'll be a busy woman now, so use this laptop to your hearts desire. Be on the ball with emails, I need you to be organised for him, because God forbid he is. You'll be the one with him when he's doing a press conference, or an after-race interview. Do whatever you want, but just don't let that boy say anything stupid. I also don't allow drivers to mess around with people in this team. He's going to win this championship this year."
"Of course, Mr Horner."
"Please, Poppy, call me Christian. I'm not one for formalities with my people." 
My cheeks flush a red I've never noticed before, of him calling me one of his people. 
"If you have any questions, please let me or any other of the team know. In the mean time, we're on a tight schedule with Bahrain being in a couple of days. Head to your office and let's get this season started." He continues, flashing me a bright smile. 

I stand up with my new belongings and walk out into the rest of the RedBull office. Grabbing myself a RedBull drink to combat the tiredness of the lack of sleep from the night before, I sip while wandering around. While turning around the corridor, I smash into another body, making the fresh can of energy drink splash all over me and the person. I gasp at the contact, with my eyes moving up to meet his. 
It's Max Verstappen. 

"Oh, I'm so sorry! I didn't see you-" He says in a panic, looking around for anything he can wipe me down with." 
"I'm sorry too- I didn't hear anyone come around the corner-" I'm also doing the same.

"Follow me, I'll take you to where I know there's a rag for you." He says. 

We wander down the corridor in silence, and we make it to his small room with his name plastered basically everywhere. He gestures for me to take a seat, and I do. 

"Is this a bad time to say that we have to spend the rest of the season together and this is how we met?'

He looks up from the cupboard he's got his head ducked into with a very confused expression on his face.
"What, how?" He says. 
"Gee, thanks for the enthusiasm." I giggle. 
"No- I didn't mean it like that-"
Continuing to giggle, I reply. "I'm your communications partner. I'm here to make sure you don't say something that will ruin your career."
A wave of relief rushes to his face. "Ah, okay. Well I'm Max, nice to meet you."
"I gathered that, as your face and name is plastered basically everywhere in this room and office. I've also done 3 previous internships before getting this job, we've met before. I'm Poppy, Poppy Easton." I hold out my hand to shake it, and he obliges. 
"Well, I'm sure we can become besties." He says, cringing while he says it. My face matches his. 
"I know." 
"I'm sorry that I don't remember you, I meet so many people every weekend that if I don't see you all the time then I won't remember you. Have you met Checo yet?" 
"Don't worry about it. And no, I've literally just come out of my meeting with Christian. I haven't even managed to put my new team shirt on." I look down to my makeshift 'RedBull Racing' shirt I bought from the F1 store a few years before. He glances down at it, and gives me a sympathetic look. He passes me a red towel, which I use to dry myself off. 
"Unfortunately, I have a date with the simulator for the next few hours, but feel free to grab yourself another RedBull from my fridge to make sure that you're fully caffeinated. Sorry again for spilling it all over you." Max says. 
"You're all good. See you on the plane?" I reply.
He nods, and leaves the room. I look around. 

I head out and finally manage to make my way to my office, which now has my name outside on the plaque. I'm sharing with another person, Jamie. Entering in, I have a small corner desk that looks out onto the RedBull grounds. There is a small empty fridge in a small cubby hole, and a box on top. Setting my things down, I grab my key and rip the tape off of the box, to contain a handwritten note. 

Welcome to the communications squad. Can't wait to meet you. Your email has already been added to the group chat. See you soon. x
- Jamie

Opening the box, there is crates of RedBull. Jeez, they do really love the stuff here. 
I open my tote bag and get everything out that I need, including family photos and my brand new planner. I open my laptop, log in and open my emails. 

- o x Welcome to Outlook                                                                                                                                         

(1) Unopened Email 

Subject: Welcome

Hope you're settling in well.
Scheduled you a meeting tomorrow at 10am with Max to sort out the schedule for Bahrain. Heard you guys had quite an explosive beginning. Please create some questions for him to practice so he doesn't say something stupid at the start of the season. I at least want 1 race to pass before he becomes a new joke for Mercedes to use against us. 

Thank you,
Christian Horner 
RedBull Racing F1 Team Principal 


I spend the rest of the day replying to new welcome emails from the team, and typing up questions for the meeting tomorrow with Max. 
I look around me.
This is my life now. 

Little shameless plug from me here, but I also have started another story including Mick!!

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