Part 9

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"What on earth are you doing here?" I ask, taking the rose from his hand.
"Surprise." He responds. 

My mind is going a good 453MPH. What on earth is going on? Why is he handing me a rose? We've only known eachother for a few days? 

"What about Aaron?" I ask. 
"Aaron doesn't exist." 
"WHAT?" I shout. Everyone turns to look at me while I'm shouting. 
"Shhh. Sit back down, I'll explain everything." He sits me back down and places himself on the other end of the table. 

"You better get to explaining, now. Because I'm not exactly impressed." I say. I'm actually furious with him. How much of a wimp do you have to be in order to make up someone else for a date instead of just actually asking me?
"I know, I'm sorry. I thought it was a great plan, and I'll elaborate on why."
I nod.

"Ever since I saw you in that press conference talking to Will, you caught my eye in a way no other girl has before. I asked Max about you because I needed to know who you were. I just left it after that because I didn't know if we would ever speak, but then everything with you fainting happened and I knew that I was there for when you went down was for a reason. I really like you, Poppy." He says. 
"I don't expect you to say anything back because I do understand how fucked up it is that I just left you here sat by yourself for 40 minutes so I could grab a date with you. Just if you ever feel the same, please let me know." 

I stand up, and put the rose on the table. 
"This is a lot to process, aswell as the fact I've had the longest weekend ever. Give me some time to figure it out." I say to him. 
"Okay, sounds good." Daniel replies. 

I get my stuff, grab it and walkout of the restaurant. I immediately grab my phone and text the one person I know that will be chilling after the race - Max. 


What's up Poppy?

Where are you right now?

I'm in the motorhome, how come?

A LOT just happened.

What do you mean?

I'm coming over, I'll explain everything.

Okay, my door is unlocked.

Thank you.

Always, Pops.

I walk to the motorhome, taking off my heels and walking bare feet as these heels absolutely murder after a while of wearing. 

I walk in, and plonk myself on the sofa next to him, where he's sat eating a bag of chips. He passes me the bag and I take a couple. 
"I swear you're not supposed to be eating those?" I ask, eating. 
"What my nutritionist doesn't know, won't hurt him." He replies. 
"Fair enough."

Max folds the bag over and places it on the table in front of us. 
"Right, what happened? Why are you here?" He asks. 
"First of all, rude. I'm allowed to be here if I want. It's for all RedBull team members." I say, giving him a sassy look. 
"Calm yourself, I know. Why did you text me?" 
"Daniel Ricciardo just admitted his feelings for me." I say.
"WHAT?" Max spits out his water. 
"You know how I had that blind date?" 
Max nods.
"Well, apparently that Aaron guy never existed, he kinda just made him up to get me in the restaurant."
"What a pussy."
"I know. But it gets worse. He then makes me sit there by myself for 40 minutes to make me believe I'm being stood up, and then decides to show up himself with a suit on and hands me a rose."
"What did he say?"
"He basically just said that he really likes me, and wants me to feel the same way. But, I didn't know what to say. So I told him to give me some time and then I can get back to him on how I feel."
"I'm gonna kill him." Max says. 
"No, you're not. Calm yourself."
"So, how do you feel about him?" 
"I mean, he obviously has had my attention. I mean look at him - he's gorgeous. But I can't just let him get away with what he did. I was sat there for like 45 mins by myself, like an IDIOT. I even saw myself on a few RedBull F1 fan Instagrams. Do you know what you have to do in order to not even be a driver and get put on there?" I say, leaning over and grabbing the bag of ships from Max and reopening them. 
"Do you want to talk more about it, or do you wanna chill and face the reality of the situation later? I'm just about to start a movie." Max asks. 
"Watch a movie and I'll deal with the aftermath of what ever just happened tomorrow. At least we're leaving tomorrow."

Max throws me his spare bit of the blanket over my legs, and then I lay down next to him and we watch the movie, but I couldn't actually tell you what the movie was. 
I was asleep within the first 5 minutes. 

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