Part 27

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it's not long until we're dragged to the interviews. However, I can hear lots of people call my name. Obviously nothing that happens in the paddock stays in the paddock, and I give it a day before I start to appear in the gossip magazines. 

We walk over to Will, who dips his microphone down so no one can hear us. 
"Sorry to hear about what happened, Pops. Hope you're okay."
"Thanks, Will, means a lot."
He picks his microphone back up and starts to talk to Max, me stood next to him.
"So, Max. Congratulations on another pole. Nothing that we are unexpected by. You're doing great this season, how do we feel about this season and growing closer to that championship?"
"Thank you. Obviously, Ferrari and Mercedes are crawling up behind us with points. They have competitive cars, too - but I'm honestly feeling really good about it. Not to try and ruin it, but this car is just beautiful to drive. It just makes me feel good, you know?"
"Obviously. And we also heard that you dedicated your pole position to the lovely lady stood next to you today. Poppy, how do you feel about that?" Will asks, putting the microphone to me. 
My face glows a bright red. 
"I am so grateful that Max thought of me during that. Max is one of my best friends and closest people in the paddock. I've been going through a lot over the past couple of days, so it's definitely perked me up a little bit. Don't know what I'd do without him." I reply, smoothly. 

Did you really think that I hadn't thought what to say? I'm prepared for everything!

As I finish my sentence, Daniel walks behind me and I can just smell his scent without even needing to look at him. However, I do, and he just looks sad. Can't imagine his are going very well after his performance today. 

We finish up our interviews and walk back to the garage. 
"Are you doing anything tonight, Pops?" Max asks. 
"No. How come?" I say. 
"Do you wanna go out tonight? I know some cool places that will help perk you up."
"I have a feeling alcohol is something I definitely need." I reply. Max smiles. 
"Okay. Meet outside the hotel at 9."
"Sounds good." I say. 

Max nods, taps my shoulder and walks off for a meeting with his engineers. 

A few hours pass by with meetings and emails, and I head up to the hotel to get ready for the night. 

I start off with curling my hair and go bold with the makeup, by going for red lipstick and a smokey eye. For my outfit, I decide to go for a nice fitting black dress and some new comfy heels I bought a couple of weeks ago. As Christian returned my phone to me as I was leaving, I take a few pictures of myself in the mirror, send them to Jamie for opinions. I then start to go down to the lobby to meet Max.

As I'm heading down, I get a text from Daniel. 

Just seen you head down to the lobby. You look beautiful. 
Read 20:48PM

Please, Pops. I need to speak to you about this. I heard you mention me in your interview.
Read 20:48PM

Let me explain. 
Read 20:48PM

I decide that it's a future me issue, and start to head out. Max sees me at the lobby and gives me a whistle. I smile and start to blush. 
"You look great!" He says, giving me a hug. 
"Thank you, Max." I reply. 

We get into the Taxi and reach our first destination, a lovely Italian restaurant. 

We sit down and my phone continues to vibrate on the table, Daniel non stop texting.
"He really isn't giving up, huh?" Max says, taking a sip from the glass of water our waiter just poured.
"No. Christian took my phone for a few hours today to give me a break from it. I think I have like 35 texts from him."
"Do you need me to talk to him for you?" Max asks. 
"No. It's fine. He'll give up eventually." I reply, now taking a sip from the champagne flute in front of me. 

My other hand is rested on the table. Max grabs it and smiles. 
"You know I'm always gonna be here for you, right?" He says. 
I can feel the blood rush to my cheeks. He's never been like that before. 
"I know. Thank you, Max. I don't know what I'd do without you." 
He takes another sip of water. "Anytime."

We both order some pasta dishes, get to tucking in and while Max is shoving linguine in his mouth, I thought I needed to move the direction from my failed love life to his. 
"So, any girls at the moment that I should be aware of?" I ask. 
"Jeez, you sound like a reporter." He chuckles. 
"Well, as your best friend, I'm obligated to know." I reply. Max face falls a little bit, and immediately perks up. Weird. 
"No. I mean, kinda. But, we'll see." He says. 
"Oh really? Can I hear more about this girl?" I ask. 
"It's nothing much. Just this girl I know. I don't wanna broadcast it until anything is confirmed." 
I raise my eyebrow. 
"I want details of her." 
"No, Poppy."
"Yes, pleaseeee." I plead.
"No." He says sternly, taking me aback. I frown.
"Sorry. That was rude." 
"No, it's okay. I'll stop pressing about it." I reply. He gives me a small smile in return. 

Once our meal is over, Max pays and we decide that the night is not over yet. We head into a local club called Koko's. Once we arrive, it's around 11PM and it is packed in here. We go to the bar, where we take a few shots. From the corner, we see a VIP section filled with F1's finest - Lando, Charles and Carlos. I start to get a little flustered, as I've never spoken to any of these drivers before. 

The music is blasting popular songs from the past year or so, and me and Max manage to manoeuvre our way through the sea of people and get to the VIP section. Max speaks to the bouncer and he lets him in, and then pauses me from walking. 
"Sorry, Ma'am. You're not allowed in." He says. 
Max taps him.
"She's with me, chill." 
He nods and moves out the way, and I walk and sit down immediately as my heels are not so comfortable anymore. 
I wave at everyone and they all introduce themselves. 
"Hey, you're Poppy right? The girl that came and shouted at Daniel?" Lando asks, handing me a shot.
"Yes, you are correct." I reply, taking it back immediately. 
"Oh, you should have heard the commotion in the garage after that. You're like.. famous now." He says. 
"That makes me feel so much better about the situation." 
"Sorry, arsehole thing of me to say. But, Daniel's seemed upset about it all day. Barely spoke in the meeting, even though he's always one of the main talkers during those." 
"Not my monkeys, not my circus." I reply, taking another shot. 
Max taps me on the arm.
"Maybe we should calm down with the shots?" He asks, getting me a glass of water. 
"No. I want to drink my sorrows away tonight. Feel free to join me if you'd like."
"Can't. Driving tomorrow."
"Boring!" I say, playfully nudging him. We both laugh. 

We all then get up and start to dance, and I start to have fun and completely forget about that idiot who broke my heart. 

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