Part 19

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I wake up and remember where I am, who I'm with and what happened yesterday. Dan is still passed out next to me, but when I look at his alarm I realise that he is extremely late to an engineer meeting. 
"BABE! YOU'RE LATE FOR YOUR MEETING!" I shout in his ear, to which he shoots up and immediately starts grabbing his stuff. 
He frantically looks at the clock, puts on the nearest stuff he can find. He kisses my head and asks if I'm okay, to which I say yes to. He then puts on his shoes and is out the door within 2 minutes of him waking up. 
Didn't even manage to brush his teeth. Gross. 

I hysterically laugh all while he's running out of the door until I can't breathe. That man sleeps like a rock. 

I grab my phone from my trouser pocket and place it onto charge so I can see what I missed while it was dead and while I was stranded. I manage to shower, brush my teeth, do my hair and makeup and get dressed in my uniform by the time it's at a battery percentage I'm happy with. I then look at all the notifications I got during the night and this morning. 

Today's Notifications:

Christian Horner
Heard what happened yesterday. I hope you're 
okay - if you need me, pop into my office. In the mean time, take the day off today and rest up. I'll get Hayley to deal with Max today. 

Jamie :)
Good morning - I hope you're okay. Heard you've got the day off but I'm gonna meet you for lunch to catch up with you. See you soon :)

Dan Ricciardo  <3
Hey Pops, thank you for waking me up. Engineers weren't too mad when I rocked up 20 minutes late. Promised them donuts for their time. I'll come see you later once I'm done.

Yesterday's Notifications:

Missed Call (10) - Dan Ricciardo <3
Missed Call (7) - Max Verstappen
Missed call (8) - Jamie :)

Max Verstappen
Pops, where are you?
You missed our dinner?
You went somewhere but no one knows - your location has stopped pinging
Hope you're okay

Jamie :)
Where are you, Poppy?
The whole RedBull team are really worried - call me back when you can
We love you

Dan Ricciardo <3
Where did you go? 
No one says they've heard from you in a while- are you okay?
Oh baby please answer the phone 
We're so worried. 

I then look on Instagram to Max's story asking if anyone had seen me, and what I can see to be one of the ugliest candid photos of me ever. He's gonna get it for that. He has so many nice photos of me that he can use but chooses those instead.

A little tear falls down my face looking at all of the messages and calls from everyone. I really worried everyone last night by being so stupid and not telling anyone. I really disregarded everyone's comments about safety while being alone. 

I decide that I'm not going to take the day off and wallow in my self pity of being a dumbass - so I grab a little bit of breakfast with my headphones in so no one speaks to me and then head to the paddock. 

For some reason, I get a reporter coming up to me. 
"Max is in a meeting right now. Sorry."
"No. I'm actually here for you. We heard about what happened and want to make a post about it." The guy says, with a microphone in front of me.
"I don't really want to talk about it, to be honest. I'm still quite upset over it." I say, pushing past him as he's blocking my path. 
As I'm walking away, I hear him call me a bitch under his breath. 
"Oi, if you wanna call someone a bitch again say it into your microphone so your bosses can hear you. Or, I'll call them myself." A voice comes out of nowhere.
It's Christian, and he walks me out until we make it to the RedBull offices. 

"Sorry, had to." He says, taking a sip from our energy drink.
"No, I get you. Thank you for that." I reply. 
"I told you to take the day off, Poppy." He says in a very much dad voice. 
"I didn't want to. I'm okay, just a little embarrassed."
"You got lost, everyone does. We're all happy we managed to find you. Just make sure you're going out with someone now." He says. 
"I will."
"What are your plans for today?" He asks. 
"Lunch with Jamie, dinner with Max." I reply. 
"And what's going on with you and Ricciardo? I heard he's the one who found you." 
"Nothing, we're just friends after the fainting incident. He volunteered to come and find me after he caught wind of it from our team." I lie. 
"You really aren't having the best luck, are you?" He asks. 
"No, not really. Hopefully everything goes smoothly now."
"It's F1, very unpredictable. But, take it easy today, please." He says, passing me a can of RedBull. 
I take it.
"I will. Thanks, Christian." I say, walking out of the office.

Think I got away with lying to my boss about dating one of his ex-drivers. 

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