Part 5

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As I slowly open my eyes, the first thing I can feel is my head absolutely pounding. 
Looking around, I'm in a completely different hotel room than mine - everything is inverted, and it isn't my clothes all over the place. They're mans clothes. 
As I'm looking around, frantically, I hear the shower stopping and someone getting out. 

After a few seconds, I see Daniel Ricciardo step out of the bathroom in just a towel.
"Oh good, you're awake! I left some medicine and water on the side for you, there - I thought you'd wake up feeling a little bit sick." He says, pointing to his bedside table. 
"How on earth did I get here?" I ask, sipping on the water like I haven't drank in weeks. 
"Well, after your RedBull dinner, we bumped into eachother, and you passed out. Like, onto me. I tried calling for help, but I didn't have my phone on me and no one was around. You woke up, finally, and you had left your room key back with Max for safe keeping. You were so embarrassed about falling onto me that you didn't want to tell him about it, so I just let you sleep in my bed." He explains. 
"Did we sleep in the same bed?" I ask. 
"No. I slept on the sofa, over there." He points to the tiny little sofa in the corner of the room. 
"Daniel- that's so tiny! Why didn't you put me on there? I was going to fall asleep anyways, even if it was on a bed of rocks!" I exclaim. 
"I'm not going to do that to someone who passed out onto me and then cried because she was so sorry about me having to catch her. You were extremely light, so it wasn't an issue." He says. 
"Does anyone know I'm here?" 
"Yes, I rang Max and told him where you were. He's passed the message onto the team, said that the team Doctor needs to check you out before you head back into your role. Christian's signed everything off and is all okay with it. I did get a  very stern message off him telling him not to try anything with you." He hands me his phone to show the texts. 

I stare at the messages and sigh. 
"Thank you." I say. 
"No worries, I'm glad I could help. I woke up and got your uniform, we can walk down to breakfast together if you'd like?" He says. 
"I think walking with you would be the least I could do after it all. Let me buy you a coffee or something?" My eyebrows are raised, panicking on what I could do to repay him. 
"There's no need for that, we get free coffee practically anywhere we go, anyways. Just a walk will do." 
"Go and have a shower, I'll be on the balcony doing some stretches." He says. 

One shower later using all of Daniel's products and I smell like I've just walked out of a men's Gucci campaign. I slip on my uniform and get back into the room. 
"You ready?" He says, all dressed up in his McLaren gear. 
"I am indeed." I reply. 

We walk down to breakfast, where I spot Max glancing around. When I catch his eye, he instantly calms down, and waves me over. 
"Are you alright?" He says, passing me my phone and room key. 
"Thank you for these. I'm all good, Daniel took very good care of me." I reply, putting them into my pockets.
"Good. You'll need to be checked over before we go back onto the paddock, I'll ask Jamie to take you there." He says with a mouth full of scrambled eggs. 
"But I feel fine now, it was just the heat with the alcohol." I complain. 

I feel a tap on my shoulder. 
"Doesn't matter if you feel fine, it's policy you get checked out." Christian says. 
"Alrighty." I sit back into my chair. 
"Less sitting more getting food, which you'll need." He continues. 

One plate of breakfast later and we're all ready to go. I get a text off a random number.

You all good now?

Who is this?

Daniel. Max gave me your number so I could text
you and check up on how you were doing. 

I'm feeling better, thank you again. 

No worries. Make sure you've eaten. Gotta go.
See you later?

Yeah, of course. :)

Bye :)

I get into the car and go to the paddock, where Jamie is waiting for me just in front of the turnstiles. 
She runs up and hugs me. 
"I heard what happened. You good?" She asks.
"Yeah, I'm all good. Just not a good combo of the heat and everything else. Just very busy." I say. 
"Understandable. I'm here to take you to the medical center, anyways." She grabs my arm, links it and we walk through. 

I go in, get a check-up and get the all clear. 
I get my phone and text Max.

Got the all clear. Don't think you're getting rid of me today.

Good good. Glad to know you're feeling good now.

Meet me in the garage in 5?

I'll be there.


And off to the garage I go. 

Hit the Brakes - Daniel Ricciardo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now