Part 11

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I'm 2 hours into the flight to Belgium, where I get a tap on the shoulder. 
"Yes, Max?"
"How'd you know it was me?"
"I could tell by your tap." I pass him my bag of sweets. He takes it and starts eating some. 
"Show me the envelope." He says, standing up and trying to go into my bag. 
"Max! You can't just start going through my bag." I smack his hand away. 
He moves it away. "Ow."

I hand him the envelope. He starts reading and starts laughing, causing everyone to turn and look at us. 
"What an idiot." He says. 
"Don't be mean, he's trying his best." I reply. 
"This is why I told you to not trust men involved in F1. They're wild." 
I shrug my shoulders. 
"What are you gonna do about it?" He asks. 
"I don't know. Just gonna see for now." 
"You're not seriously gonna go for it?" 
"Maybe. I don't know, as I said."
"Don't bite my head off." He says. 
"Sorry. It's just been a lot in a very short amount of time." 
Max sits next to me and puts his arm around my shoulders. 
"I know, Pops. But you don't have to go for it if you don't want - he's a nice guy when he wants to be." 
"I know, he's one of the most loved F1 drivers out there. And he likes me, of all people. What do I have that's so attractive?" I say. 
"Daniel would be lucky to have you. And, if something ever happens, myself, Jamie and Christian would go to his motorhome with baseball bats. Too many people love you here for you to walk around heartbroken." 
"What should I do?" 
"Just text him. Go from there, and we'll see." He says. 

To Daniel Ricciardo:

Too late on the Max thing. 

You told him?

He's my best friend, of course I'm gonna tell him. 

How mad is he?

He'd be even more mad if you had like, made me cry or something. 

Oh, at least he's not going to tear me to shreds. 

Just don't do anything else stupid. 

I'm so sorry, again. 

Make it up to me.


Make it up to me. 

Are you sure?


Oh, thank you. I'll text you the details of everything. Sometime this week?


Sounds good. :)

Good good. This is your one and only chance. 

Works for me. Thank you. 


I show the phone to Max, who takes it from my hand and smiles. He nods at me. 
Max's nod means I have made a good choice. I smile at him as he passes back my phone.

Am I going to see this as a chance to make him feel bad whenever I want? Yes. 
Does that sound mean? Also yes. 
Did he make me look like the biggest idiot in the world? Indeed. 
Does his smile instantly put me in a good mood? Too right it does. 

Max gets back up, sits down in his seat and continues to eat the sweets that I gave him. 

Time for one of the most wild weeks of my life. 
Let's do this!

Hit the Brakes - Daniel Ricciardo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now