Part 15

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Mine and Max's meeting finishes and I have my meeting with Jamie, which actually just ends up with us talking about my date and nothing about what we actually needed to talk about, so we ended up rushing an email to Christian with things we needed approval for. I'm absolutely starving at this point as I rushed eating so I could get away from Mike, because me talking about my very new relationship was not on the cards. So, I make my way to the catering center. 

That is, until I get a text off of Daniel. 

Hey. Meet me in hotel lobby in 10?



I sigh, put my empty plate back down and rush into a car and make it to the hotel. I'm sat in one of the comfy lobby seats until I see a Daniel who is looking around for me. I make a whistle noise and he finds me, and immediately smiles. 

Coming over, he points to the elevators. 
"We can't talk here. We're gonna have to do it in my room." 
"Are you sure you needed to talk to me or did you want to do something else? I say, giggling. 
Until I realise I have not prepared at all and my legs look like I'm part of a forest. 
He laughs at my suggestion.
"No, It's actually something I need to talk to you about."
"Okie dokie." 

He pulls me into his room, and ends up giving me a kiss on the forehead. 
"Nothing else?" I ask, putting on a sad face. 
"You'll get that later. Sit." He points to the bed. 
I slide my shoes off, and sit cross legged on one end of the bed. He does the same but sits opposite me. 
"So, I was talking with my PR representative, Lily. I mentioned you. Because I knew there's a huge chance of the media finding out and making a huge deal over it."
"As a media person, I'm glad you told her. I understand her pain all too well." I say, chuckling. 
"She asks we keep everything under wraps for as long as possible."
"So what does that mean?"
"So, obviously you can tell Max and Jamie, but no one else is allowed to know." He says. 
"Just Max and Jamie?" I ask. 
"Only them."
"I know it's a bit of a shit situation, but it's going too look really bad if 2 members of 2 different teams are spotted dating. Especially for you. Your team will really cast you out for it."
"Why not for you?" I ask. 
"Because I'm a driver, if anyone ruins it for me then they're gone before I am."
I frown. 
"I know, I'm sorry. We'll just have to find a way to do everything quietly and secretly."
"It's okay, I get you. I actually should be the one person who understands it." I say. 
He smiles and pulls me in. 
"We've had no chance to see eachother today after last night." He says, me sat on top of him. 
"You're lucky that I'm pretty much free for the rest of the day." I reply. 

Our lips immediately meet and I automatically feel like the only girl in the world. 

Hit the Brakes - Daniel Ricciardo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now