Part 25

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As soon as I feel the AC from the garage, the tears begin. I find the nearest cool wall I can slide myself down and just put my head in between my legs and just cry. Everyone there is looking at me like I'm crazy, to which Jamie tells them to piss off and runs off, what I can only assume is to find Max. 

They come back a few seconds later to which he pulls me up, and we walk to his cabin. He plops me down on the sofa and gets me some tissues to wipe the mascara that's currently pouring down my face.
"I think I might kill him." Max says. 
"That isn't going to solve anything." Jamie says. 
"Well, it'll for sure teach him a lesson."
"Yes, but then we'd be down 2 Formula 1 drivers, and then Horner would kill you. So it would be 2 drivers and 1 Team Principal gone." She replies. 
"It's so not fair." He says. 
"I know. But, we don't even know the full story yet. Just what the paper said. They might just come up with any old waffle." Jamie replies.
"The pictures told me everything I needed to know." Max says. 
"Same for me." I reply, wiping a tear. 

Max and Jamie come and sit next to me, both on each side. They both swaddle me with their arms and I can feel myself start to calm down. 

Calm down from sadness, of course. 

I'm absolutely raging. 

"I need to speak to him about this." I say. 
"Yeah, you do." Max says. 
"Just text him and see if he's available." Jamie replies. 
"Fuck that."

I get up and start running to the McLaren garage. 
"Where are you going?" Max says, running behind me. 
"Please don't do something you're going to regret!" Jamie says, following too. 
"Oh, I think I might regret this. But I don't entirely care."

I make it to the garage, with a mechanic asking me what I need.
"Daniel. Where is he?"
"He's in his room."
"You can't go in-"
"You'll see why I need him in a second." I reply, walking past. 

I walk into his room, and he is sat on his sofa with his headphones on. 
"What the FUCK do you think you're playing at, hey?" I say. 
"No, Poppy- It's not what it looked like-" Daniel replies, trying to close his door.
"You say you want me to meet your parents, tell me how much you miss me in the time that we're apart, and then you go and have dinner with your ex the SAME night? Am I that forgettable to you?" I say, keeping the door wide open with my foot so everyone can hear. 
"Poppy, please, everyone can hear." He whispers to me. 
"I don't give a flying fuck, Daniel. Apparently you just wanted to keep me a secret so you can go off with other girls and not have anything against you on there, right?" I carry on shouting. 
"Please, let me explain." He says. 
"I've seen everything I needed to see. I've read everything I need to understand how you feel about me. I actually believed that I was falling in love with you, too. And I thought the feelings were mutual. But no. They weren't."
"You love me-" He says. 
"Loved. A word I've updated now." I reply. He physically winces. 
"Please, Poppy. You don't understand." He pleads. 
"I do understand. Have fun with Heidi, she's obviously so much prettier than me, so much better than me that you can LIE to me about being in a meeting and then go out with her."
"Please. Everyone can hear."
"Oh, what a shame. There's nothing we need to hide anymore, Daniel. Because you, and I, are done. Hear it? DONE." I say, through sobs. 
"Come on, Pops." Max says, pulling me away.

We are stared at by possibly the entire McLaren team, but honestly my vision is so blurred from tears that Max has to walk me all the way back in a hug. 

It's only a matter of time until Horner is knocking on my office door, and Daniel is blowing up my phone.

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