Part 16

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We're nearly on 3k reads. What on earth. 

I manage to catch Jamie walking out of the garage, tapping her and she turns around.
"You look a little sad. What's up?" She asks, putting her arm around my shoulder as we walk.
"You've been here longer than me, so you'll probably understand. What happens when 2 people from different F1 teams get together and people find out?" I ask.
She stops and raises her eyebrow.
"Why do you ask?"
"Answer the question and I'll tell you." I say.
"Okay. Well, it depends. Sometimes no one cares. But, there's other times where people really frown upon it. Once, we had one couple where the man was an engineer in Renault, and a girl from Racing Point. I don't know why people hated it so much, maybe because they were both fighting for 3rd in the Constructors', but people stopped telling them things and both ended up resigning because of it. It got ugly. A lot of arguments were caused and they threatened to sue for it." She says.
"Oh, okay."
"What's going on?" She asks.
"I've just been with Daniel and he says I can't tell anyone other than you and Max about us because he doesn't want anything bad happening. Apparently his communications partner said this, and I should understand. But, for some reason, I feel sad? Like I wanted to tell people but now I can't?" I reply.
We carry on walking through the paddock and she links my arm.
"No. I get why you're sad. You're excited to be in a relationship, and especially with Daniel Ricciardo of all people. But, I understand why the Comms partner would say that. F1 is dirty business sometimes. Don't read into it too much, and Max and I are really good at keeping secrets." She says, turning and winking at me.
I start to smile.
"Thank you." I say.
"You're welcome. That's what I'm here for – and at least a couple of people know so you can turn to someone about anything that happens. Look on the bright side."
"You're right. Prepare to have your phone blown up from me." I say, chuckling.
"I work for an F1 team, I'm used to it by now." She unlinks my arm and turns around. "Gotta go see Checo about an interview in an hour, speak soon?"
I nod and smile, she runs off while waving.

I manage to grab some dinner and get through the rest of the day without worrying about Daniel. I've never been worried about this type of stuff before. The last thing I want is my boyfriend being the reason I have to give up my dream. My phone dings, and it's a text from Daniel.

Missing you.

Missing you too. You up to anything fun?

No. In a meeting with Zak and Lando about the new merch collection. What about you?

Emails. Always Emails.

Tough life of a PR girl.

You know it. Defo 10 times more dangerous than getting into a vehicle and going 250mph around a race track.

Oh, 100%.
Anyways, just wanted to check up on you. Gotta go before Zak shouts at me for not paying attention. See you later?

Sounds good. Have fun. X

You too. :)

I want to apologise for the lack of uploads - it's been a hectic time at the moment. I'm doing A-Levels and I'm also in a long distance relationship so I've been popping over to different countries to see him. Should pick up the speed of new parts soon. Love you all <3

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