Part 22

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I am alive, guys. It's flu season so I've just been bedridden for the majority of my days. Currently writing this with a cup of chamomile tea to fix my sore throat. Stay healthy kids <3

I walk into the garage and see Max, who can see the look of sadness on my face. 

"What's up Pops? Why do you look so sad?"
"Nothing, it's okay."
"You can talk to me. What's up?" He pulls my arm and he sits me down in his room. 

I drop my shoulders and start to cry, and he comes and puts his arm around me. 
"Me and Daniel have spent barely any time together over the past few weeks and I just feel a bit sad about it. It's the start of our relationship, I mean it's supposed to be where we spend the most time together. I've barely seen him." I say while Max hands me a tissue. 
"I get it. But nothing's gonna happen, you guys are still in the same parts of the world together - you just need to work out times where you guys can spend time with eachother without everyone else finding out."
"That's the thing, it feels like we're always on complete different schedules. I'm scared he's gonna get bored and just give up on us."
"The last thing that boy is gonna do is leave you because you're both busy. I see the way he looks at you when you walk past the McLaren garage with me and wave at him, he's falling for you. And falling for you, hard." 

I wipe the rest of my tears away and look up at him. 
"You think he's falling in love with me?" I ask. 
"Of course, you'd be an idiot to think he wasn't." He says. 
I start to smile.
"And you'd be an idiot to think you're not falling for him too." 

My face drops as I realise I actually am falling for him. 
Maybe I actually have fell for him.

This has happened before with high school boyfriends where we wouldn't speak for a while and I just wouldn't be phased by it but this time around, I genuinely do miss him.

I text him after an hour of doing something boring so I can have the motivation to finish the task, and I get sad when he lets me know he's going to be busy. I've just never had something like this before, it's like I'm scared that he's going to leave me and I won't be able to feel that rush again. 

Sorry to get depressing. I just realised I'm in love with that man. 

I stop crying and look at Max, who has a smile on his face while looking at my realisation. After a few minutes we get up and I pass Max his helmet while he puts on his fireproof balaclava. 
"Let's go racing." He says, getting into his car. 

After Practice 1, we see that Perez got P7 while Max is P2. We look at the data and see what we can work on for next time so we know what to do to speed up our lap times. 

Max comes back and I give him a high five, looking at the rest of the grid, I see that Dan is P5 and I immediately text him. 

Well done on P5 today!! Proud of you <3

Thank you! Meet me for lunch in an hour?

Of course :)

I look around to see that no one is looking at the huge smile on my face at the thought of actually getting more than 5 minutes with him. Max winks at me so I know he knows, but apart from that everyone seems too busy to notice. I give him a nod back and head back into our office to finish up some work before my lunch, and Jamie seems to have the same idea.

So we sit for an hour doing some work, however I don't get much done because I'm too busy thinking about finally having some time with Daniel. 

I'm in love.

Hit the Brakes - Daniel Ricciardo x OCWhere stories live. Discover now