Part 8

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I make a quick pitstop at my hotel room to change out of my team uniform before I make it to the restaurant. I'm wearing a pair of plain blue jeans, some heels and a silky button down shirt. I scrape my hair back into a ponytail and start to run there when I realise the time. 

I walk in and look at how beautiful everything looks. There are strings of little lights everywhere, with white roses and fake ivy sprawled across the walls. There's a small water tank filled with fish, and everyone there seems to be dressed up as they were for the race. There's people with lanyards on all over the place, smiling but also looking very tired as they eat their food. 

I text Daniel. 

I'm here. Where do I go?

Go to the host and get the reservation. I booked it under my name, you should have a good table. 

You're joking, right?


You're using your F1 power to get me one of the best tables?


That's cute.
Where is he?

McLaren meeting ran long. He'll be there soon.


Let me know how it goes. 

Will do.


I walk up to the hostess. 
"I have a reservation for Ricciardo?" I say. 
Her eyes widen, and she smiles. 
"Yes, of course, follow me this way." She replies, taking me to the balcony. 

Daniel really meant it when he said I'll get a good table. There is a bottle of champagne on ice, with a singular rose in a vase next to it. The balcony has the most stunning view of the city, and I can even see the track. If I look closely, I can see the teams pack everything away for next weekend. 
The hostess drags my seat out and tucks me in once I've sat, pouring me a glass of the champagne in front of me. 
"My date shouldn't be long." I say to her. 
"Will Mr Ricciardo be joining you tonight?" She asks. 
"No, he's just a friend of mine. He's planned this all for me." I reply. 
Her face falls and she looks disappointed. 
"Oh, okay." She says, walking away to go back to her station, putting her customer service façade back on as she greets a new group of guests. 

I sip on my champagne, and glance around me. I've gone from living in Manchester, to now being in Bahrain, having blind dates set up for me by Daniel Ricciardo, one of the most loved F1 drivers. I'm also representing Max, one of the upcoming stars. My life has changed so much in only a matter of weeks. 

I go on my phone, scroll through Instagram and 10 minutes has passed. 

To: Daniel Ricciardo

Where is he?

He's still not there?


Maybe he's getting ready or something. We finished the meeting like 20 mins ago.

Hm, okay.

What are you hming me for?

I just look like an idiot sat here by myself.

He'll come, don't worry.


I sit here, and order myself an appetizer for while I'm waiting. I speak to a few fans who recognised me from the interviews, answer a few questions and take a few photos. I'm glad I look a lot better than I did before to take photos and speak to people. This heat is no joke. 

I reply to emails and schedule new meetings with Jamie, Max and a mid-week progress check with Christian for next week for when we're back in Milton Keynes. I actually get most of the stuff I was supposed to do when I get back to my room done, when I get a text. It's been 30 mins since I last texted Daniel. 

How's it going?

What do you mean?


He's still not here. 


Yes. I'm actually so annoyed, Daniel. 

Wait, I'm so sorry. I didn't realise he was gonna do this. 

It's not your fault. I had some good food anyways, by myself. 

Wait there. 


Don't leave. 

Confused, I go back to drafting an email to a sports broadcasting company and feel something on my shoulder. I brush it, and nothing's there. 

I feel a harder tap on it. 
I turn around. 

Daniel is dressed in a suit and has another rose in his hand. And he's giving it to me. 



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