Part 10

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Before we start, just a note from me:
Thank you so much for 500 reads. I didn't expect 1 person to read this, never mind 500. As always, keep on voting & comment on anything you want to see, or even just a little bit of feedback. Anything & everything is appreciated. 
Elly :)


I wake up to the sounds of an alarm. Slowly opening my eyes, I look around me and realise I'm still in the motorhome. Max is asleep next to me, his alarm not even waking him up the smallest bit. I grab the pillow from underneath me and slam it over his head, immediately waking him up. 
"What the fuck, Poppy?" He shouts, jumping up.
"Who sets an alarm for 7AM and doesn't even wake up for it?" I ask, setting the pillow down. 
We both look at eachother and start laughing. 
"Our flight is at 12. It's a 6 and a half hour flight, so you gotta get prepared for these things." Max says. 
"I need to go back to the hotel and grab my things. You coming with?" I ask. 
"You go, I'll be there in like 30 mins. I have a meeting with the physio first." He replies. 
I nod, throw another pillow at him and walk home in those heels that keep killing my feet. 
Note to self: ask Jamie for recommendations for new ones. 

I make it to the hotel, and walk past the breakfast section to get to the lift. As I'm walking back, I see a group of McLaren team members. Looking a little too long, me and Daniel make eye contact. 
His smile beams off at me and I give him a half smile, but that makes him look a little sad. I feel bad for that so I look away and go in the lift. 

Heading in, I grab my phone and start scrolling through it. 
I walk through my hotel room door and slip and fall on something, hitting my head on the wall. 
"Ow, what the?" I say, rubbing my head and picking up what's on the floor. 

Poppy is written on an envelope.

I scramble to open it. 

Hi Poppy. 

I want to apologise again for last night. I know you probably don't wanna hear from me for a while, I realise now how badly my plan was executed. I want to make it up to you, though. 

Text me whenever you want. I got a plan for us. 
Sorry again. 

p.s please don't tell max he'll absolutely kill me 

Oops. Too late for that one.
Anyways. He can wait. I'm not doing that right now. I have a plane to catch. 

f1easton: A mixture of emotions this weekend

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f1easton: A mixture of emotions this weekend. Bring on Spa!! #RBR

I get all of my clothes together, take a quick shower and then put on a fresh new uniform ready for the flight. You don't actually have to wear your uniform for the flight, but I didn't pack a secondary flight outfit. So, that's just gonna have to work for now. 

I put my wet, freshly asked hair in a braided bun, and popped my glasses on. I grab my IPad, check I've got everything downloaded, and head out. I put the envelope in my hand to show Max once we're together.

By the time I'm downstairs, Daniel is still down there. 
We meet eyes, and he smiles at me again. I wave at him, with the envelope in my hand. His eyes start to beam once he sees it. 
Oh god, he's walking over. 

"You read it?" He asks. 
"I have."
"What do you think? Please give me a second chance?" He asks. 
"Maybe. Just give me some time." I say. 
"Okay. Just text me whenever you're ready. Until then, I'll try and make it up to you." 
"What would that ensue?" I ask. 
"Just wait and see." He says, giving me a wink. 

Chills run through my spine in a way no one has ever done to me before. What is he doing to me? I'm supposed to hate him! 

I roll my eyes, chucking. I roll my bag away and meet the rest of the RedBull crew. 
Mike sees me talking to him. 
"What was that all about?" He asks, nudging me with his elbow. 
"Don't even. He wishes, that's all." I reply, and Mike gasps. 
"Poppy Easton, you're playing a risky game with these drivers." 
"Oh, I'm fully aware. We'll see if I even play it." I say. 

Max lightly punches me on the back of the head. 
"We all ready to go, Pops?" Max says. 
He points to the envelope in my hand.
"What's what?"
"I'll let you read it on the plane. You'll never guess who it's from." I wave it around. 
"Looking forward to it." He says. 

We all get into the car and head to the airport.

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