Part 3

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The car pulls into the Bahrain circuit. Max drags us through the turnstiles and into the press conference, where the interviewers are already waiting. I take my seat next to Will Buxton, who I had met a couple of seasons back. 
"You finally got a paid position here? Who are you putting in line with this job?" He replies, looking at my new team shirt in disbelief. 
"The one and only MV." I say, smug. 
"Hahaha, good luck with that one." He replies, turning back around and getting his mic ready.

Max sits down and gets his bottle ready and puts it on the floor next to him. Daniel Ricciardo, from McLaren F1 team, gives him a handshake as he walks past and takes the seat next to him. As the two used to be teammates, they get along great and are usually fan favourites. 

Everyone finalises their positions and it begins to start. Will stands up and asks the first question. I'm still hidden next to him with my laptop, typing away. I look up while he begins talking. 
"So, Max. You're destined for greatness this year - predicted to win the championship. RedBull has been quite dominant in the past few years, do you think the title will be yours?" 
I turn to Max, who I can tell is trying to remember the answer I gave him just a couple days before. I glance at Daniel, who is staring at... me? He gives me a large smile and turns back away. 

"I mean, you always have to have optimism when going into a season. If you don't you're bound to fail. I'm hoping to win this year, of course. We'll have to see what happens." He replies, giving a large smile at me after the answer. I feel like a proud mother hen. I give him a nod of approval. 
"Thank you. Another question, just to Daniel- You've started a season in a new team. You're with McLaren now, and we all know how difficult it is to get settled into a new team while the season starts. How is that going?"

Daniel moves up in his seat and clears his throat. To say that he's been in the sport for so long, he looks very nervous. 

"I mean, I'm in the extremely fortunate position where McLaren have been so supportive and helped me as much as possible to make sure we get a great start in Bahrain. I'm very excited to begin this season with them, and with Lando too. He's been a good teammate.. so far." He chuckles at the ending of the sentence, and everyone else in the conference room does. 
Will says thanks again and sits back down. 
"You trained Max well." He whispers to me. 
"Why thank you, kind Sir. He actually is a good listener." I reply, smiling. 

Another reporter from Ziggo Sport stands up. 
"So, Max. You've recently just moved to Monaco. How's it going over there with having the rest of the grid as neighbors?" 
"Even though the other boys are my rivals on track, they're also my friends of track. I've grown up with a lot of them, raced with them since we were in Go-karts. It's been nice to have dinners with them in the off season." He replies. 

A few more questions get asked and I manage to write out all my notes for him so he can improve on a few answers. Everyone is dismissed, and I wait for Max to be done. He speaks to Daniel first, and jogs on over. 
"Okay, first thoughts with Poppy. How did I do?" Max asks, as we're walking back to the RedBull garage. 
"You did very good. I'm glad you remembered some things. I obviously have a few new notes for you, but I'm very proud." I reply. 
"Okay, good. We can talk about that when we are both free. Check our schedules and book something in for us and we'll do it." He says. 
"Of course, I'll text you with the details. 
Lots of fans are wanting to have stuff signed, so Max is taking photos with fans and signing autographs while we're walking. He says hi, waves a lot and we manage to get back as soon as possible. 

"Daniel asked about you, aswell." Max whispers. 
"He did?" I ask. 
"Yeah, he was just wondering who you are because he's never seen you with me before."
"Ah, right. What did you say?"
"I told him you were my communications partner and he better not get any ideas because it isn't happening."
I start to laugh. "You're funny. Even if THE Daniel Ricciardo wanted me, I'm not spending my first full season working here in drama with dating a driver." I say. 
"That's very correct." Christian says, stepping in. 
Max is pissing himself laughing while my face turns bright red. 
"Team dinner at 7PM to get everyone together. Better get your socialising socks on, Poppy. You're gonna meet a lot of people tonight." Christians says.
"Sounds good." 

Christian nods and walks away.

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